Saving a Friend... No Matter What!

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"Whoa, Byakuya, Y/n, and Makoto showed up together!", Hiro said

"Where the heck have you three been!? You just disappeared without a word!", Hina said

"We were investigating, of course. How could you not figure that out by this point?", Byakuya answered

"M-Makoto and Y/n are ranked high enough for you guys to off t-together...just the three of y-you...?", Toko said

"What, are you jealous?", Hina asked

"Or...are you making up some kind of creepy fantasy for yourself?", Hiro said

"Or, are you just bat-shit crazy to even think that I would take interest in this asshole?", you said while pointing at Byakuya.

"Stop talking and brace yourselves. He'll be here any second".

After Byakuya had said those words, everyone in the room had tensed up and had prepared themselves for what was about to happen. But weirdly enough, those seconds had turned into minutes. Ten minutes to be exact...

"..."He'll be here any second", huh?", you said, mocking Byakuya.

"What's going on here? Why hasn't Monokuma shown up yet?", Byakuya said

"Maybe he died again...?", Hiro said

"What should we do? Should we keep waiting here, or...?", Hina said

And as if as he had heard Hina, Monokuma had finally shown up...

"Or what"!?

"Jesus!", Hiro shouted with fright.

"Nyohoho! Did I scare you"?

"N-No! Not at all...!", he said while hiding behind you a little.

"I demand an explanation! Why did you waste my time and make me wait like that!?", Byakuya said, clearly annoyed

"What? I made you wait? You've got it all backwards. *You're* the ones making *me* wait"!

"...Huh?", Makoto said

"I'm waiting for everyone to arrive! We can't start till everyone's here, now can we"?

"What are you t-talking about...? Everyone *is* here. We've all been w-waiting for *you*", Toko said.

"Puhuhu... Sorry, but you're wrong. But I've been waiting ten minutes now, so it's okay if I punish the one making us all wait, right? If we all agree it's a violation, I'll arrange a punishment right now-"!

"If it's me you're waiting for...I'm here".

And just as if she was batman, she had appeared in the room just in time...

"I'm here, and no rules been broken", Kyoko said.

"K-Kyoko...!", Makoto said.

"Kyoko!? You're still alive!?", Hina said.

"N-No...! That's a gh-gh-gh-ghost"!

"Stop t-talking...", Toko said

"If you wanna fight, do it at the class trial! You need to save some of the fun for later, right"?

"But is it okay that there's no particular penalty for being late?", Byakuya asked

"I made it here just fine. What school regulation did violate?", Kyoko said. "Am I wrong"?

"You're so selfish... So spoiled!", Monokuma said. "You're right. There's no penalty, officially. But I bet you'll be sorry later... No, I'll make *sure* you're sorry later...! Anyway, hustle your butts onto the elevator! I'll be just one step ahead of ya"!

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