Battle against Men

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~~The Next Morning~~

After fighting the urge to go back to sleep, you did your daily routine and as usual, made your way to the dinning hall for the breakfast meeting as always...but something was off...

"Is this...everyone? It feel a little...small. Even the table looks bigger, somehow", Taka said

"I assume that is because three people are dead, and two are abstaining", Celeste said

"Yeah, with five people missing, it would seem empty", you said

"Still... I know Byakuya's whatever, but shouldn't we go check on Toko?", Hina said

"I vote no. She's super annoying", Hiro said with no hesitation

"How can you be so cold? You are like a piece of rock candy", Celeste said

"What!? No, rock candy isn't cold! It's sweet!", Taka argued

"...Anyway, Byakuya's the real problem", Mondo said. "If we don't keep and eye on him, he might really kill someone. You can see it in his eyes... We got no choice! Get some rope! We're gonna hafta keep him bound and gagged"!

"...Is it really necessary to gag him? That's going a little overboard...", you said with your arms crossed.

"She's right! In this situation, there's nothing scarier than when an ally turns loose cannon! It's just like when kids, and someone would go crazy at sports or whatever!", Taka said

"What the fuck are you talking about!? You gonna use the rope to do tug of war or something!? Idiot!", Mondo exclaimed

"I'm not an idiot...! YOU'RE an idiot"!

"Who are you callin' stupid"!?

"THAT'S ENOUGH YOU TWO!", you shouted, causing them to finch and stop.


"Huh? What's wrong, Chihiro? You don't look so great...", Makoto said

"Oh, I'm just going through a little...self-loathing".

"Huh? Self-loathing"?

"Well, after what Byakuya said to me yesterday...I just got so nervous, I locked up. I couldn't say anything. Mondo ended up having to help me out. And even *he* said I was someone who 'can't fight back'... I...I hate how weak I am".

"Ahh, I see. So Mondo made you depressed".

"What!? How's it *my* fault!? I wasn't trying to be mean! Besides, girls are just naturally weak anyway right"!?


"Nu-uh! No way! I know you did not just make her cry! You better think twice about what you said 'cause there's a few of us girls that can kick your motherfuckin' ass", you exclaimed while cracking your knuckles.


"It's cuz you were screaming like a lunatic!", Hina said

"Nng... *hic*".

"Hey, c'mon, don't cry... I-It's my fault, okay? I won't yell at you anymore...".

"Really? Not sure I can believe that...", Hina said

"J-Just shut up...I got it! I'll make you a promise as a man"!

" a man"?

"Maybe I mentioned this before, but... Ever since I was a kid, there was one thing my brother told me over and over again... He said that no matter what, a real man ALWAYS keeps his promises. That's what he left me".

"Left you...?", Hifumi questioned

"Oh, yeah... My brother's dead", he said with his head down.

"Oh...I see...".

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