Pressing on

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After taking a little nap in your room, you felt that it would be a good idea to go and stretch your legs and walk around the school for a little bit. You also decided to bring your duffle bag with you, just incase you wanted to exercise for a little bit. Looking at the duffle bag reminded you of Chihiro. And thinking about Chihiro, left you with so much regret... Maybe, just maybe, if you had agreed to train with him, he would still be here. That would also goes for Mondo as well...

With those thought's in mind, you had finally reached the girl's locker room. You pulled out your student handbook and scanned it, causing the door to open. Once inside, you looked around the place feeling a little down... After all, this place was a crime scene... You then went into one of the changing rooms and changed into your work-out outfit. Feeling a little tense, you decided to warm up with, 100 push-ups, 100 crutches and 50 squats. After that, you bench pressed 30 times with 250 pounds. Feeling a little light headed, you took a small break. And when that break was over, you started to put on your boxing gloves...that it until...

'I don't want you to overwork yourself, Y/n', Hiro said. 'Just make sure you drink some water on a daily basis. Oh! And I remember that you said that you exercise from time to time. So don't forget to take a break once a while and stay hydrated!', he said with his dorkish smile'.

Thinking about that made you roll your eyes and put a small smile on your face and made you grab your water bottle out of your bag, and went over to the water dispenser to fill it up. After drinking some water, you put on your boxing gloves and started punching the punching bag. After about two hours, with some breaks in between, you finished your exercise for the day, packed up all of your things, and headed back to your room. You felt a little fatigued than usual since it was the first time in a while since you last exercised. Once you were inside your room, it was 9:50 p.m. That was enough time for you to take a quick shower before the water cuts off. After that, you put on something comfy and made your way to your bed.

On your way there, you saw something on the floor...and it looked like it fell out of Mondo's jacket pocket. With slight hesitation, you made your way over to the object. Getting a closer look at it, the thing that fell out of the jacket was a photo of you and Daiya racing Mondo on one of the Crazy Diamond motorcycles...

"...Wow. This picture...was 2 years ago", you said with a slight smile. "This was the first time...I ever got to experience the thrill of riding a motorcycle...".

~~2 years ago~~

"Oh come on Mondo! Just let me take it out for a spin! I swear I won't ruin it!", you whined

"I don't know, Y/n...", he said with his arms crossed. "These damn things aren't exactly cheap to fix ya know. And plus, aren't you supposed to be in school right now"?

"Ummm did you forget that I'm being homeschooled? The people who were teaching me at the clan let me go for the rest of the day sooooo I have a whole bunch of free time on my hands", you said with a smile. "What about you? Aren't you supposed to be in school"?

"Nah. There were so many goddamn fights today that the school let us out early".

"Oh, I see. Well, getting back to important matters... PLEASE! I just wanna see what's so thrilling about riding a motorcycle"!

"That's the thing. I don't want to see you get hurt because of my stupid decision".

"But I won't get hurt if you ride with me"!

"My answers still no. No matter how many times you try to convince me to let you ride, my answer will be no. So don't even bother trying anymore".

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