Uncovering the Truth

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"She attacked you...!?", Makoto said with a pale face

"I'm not so sure...", you said with your arms crossed. "Like I said, the assailant had a mask on so I can't determine if it was them or not. But what I do know is that they've been watching us from a distance in the shadows".

"They've been watching? Do you know since when?", Kyoko asked

"I don't know how long they've been watching us exactly, but the first time I saw them was around the time of Sakura's investigation. Every time I would go chase them down, they always seemed to disappear into thin air. I only woke up in the middle of the night because I had a huge ass headache and was going to go get some water, but then that bastard was inside my room with a knife trying to kill me. And well, the rest speaks for itself".

"Someone's been watching us..."?

"Yeah, but that's not all. The strangest thing about this whole incident is that Monokuma didn't know anything about it. I mean, that bastard literally has cameras everywhere. Including in our rooms. I found it pretty strange that he didn't know what had happened...".

"How did you find out that he couldn't see what had happened through the cameras? Was it something Monokuma said", Kyoko asked

"Yeah, when he said, "And you? Being attacked? Now somebody has the guts to do that! I would've loved to see that first hand", it clicked instantly that he didn't know a single thing that had happened. He just went off by what I told him".

"I see... Then we'll just have to be more careful from here on out. Y/n, I don't mean to put you in charge of such a dangerous task, but if that masked assailant and...her are still running around the school, do you think you can keep a close eye on everyone? Just to make sure that you and no one else has to experience what you did".

"Roger that!", you said as you gave Kyoko a salute.

"Then this is where I believe we should part ways for tonight. Goodnight...", Kyoko said

"Before we part ways, are you okay Y/n? You don't have any major injuries from the fight, do you"?

"Nah, I'm fine. Just a few scratches here and there, but I'll live".

"O-Okay. I'm really glad to hear that but please, be careful from here on out. I don't want you to be seriously injured by looking out for the masked assailant. Or, even worse...".

"Haha, don't worry Makoto. I'll be more cautious from here on out. I promise".

Makoto's face had lit up a little bit after hearing that you promise to be careful. Because he knows that you never break a promise...

After talking for a little more, the three of you departed ways and headed back to your rooms for the night. Soon enough, morning came with the morning announcement and as usual, you headed to the dining hall. To your surprise, you were one of the first people to show up early. But not to long after you had arrived, everyone else started entering the dining hall...

"So, let's being the usual post-trial investigation", Byakuya said

"Hey, you didn't make small talk or anything! We never just get straight to the point like that!", Hiro said

" If you want to keep up with me, you must refrain from pointless small talk".

"Jeez, how high is that horse of yours?", Hina chimed in

"He just acts like that to hide his own insecurities. That's what I like to think, anyway...", Hiro said

"Regardless, if you want to defeat the mastermind, you need to follow my lead. They creep around the school like a mouse, but the mastermind's pride is as bloated as a cow's udder. And no matter what it takes, I *will* rid this world of them...".

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