A Second Chance Pt.1

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You and Makoto searched around the pit to find a way out. Unfortunately, there was no luck. The huge door in the front of the pit was locked, and there didn't seem to be another way out of there. Moving on, the two of you decided to try and find any food or water that could potentially be edible to eat, since the both of you have been down there for a while. But as expected, all the food was rotten and the water was contaminated...

"I feel like we're blocked in on all sides...", Makoto said.

"Well...we kinda are. Gosh, it stinks down here... I'm staring to get a headache".

"But that's still not enough reason for us to give up. Because...! Because we're still alive! As long as we're alive, we'll never give up, right"!?

"Hahaha, sure as hell we won't", you said while finding a somewhat clean spot to lay down on. "But for now, we should focus on conserving our energy... Without any food or water, the best thing we can do right now is sleep".

"You're right...".

Still feeling exhaused, the both of you had almost went to sleep in an instant. Probably because you two knew that your sleep would be uninterrupted and deep. And without anything to tell time, who knows how long the both of you have been down there. At the least, a full day has already passed. For what seemed like days and days on end, the only thing that the two of you did was just sleep and sleep, hoping for some sort of sign to come falling out of the sky. However, what fell from the sky wasn't a sigh. Not exactly...


"What the--!?", Makoto shouted, jolting him awake.

"...The hell was that!?", you said. Your eyes then shifted to on oddly shaped pile of trash. "Oh... It's just a huge pile of trash. It must've fell from above...". "But what the hell fell down here to make such a sound like that..."?

You then made your way towards the pile of trash to see whatever it was that had fell down here. But before you could even search...

"A huge pile of trash? Rude".

"...! K-Kyoko"!?

"This place smells awful. You two look like you're doing better than I expected...".

"Wh-What are you doing here?", Makoto asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm here to help you two".

"I'm glad to hear that, Kyoko... Umm...you've got a bit of garbage in your hair..."


Kyoko then gave her had a quick shake to get rid of the trash...

"First, I have something for the both of you", she said as reached into her pockets and pulled out two waters and four pieces of bread. "Go ahead and eat it. We can talk once you're finished".

"Th-Thank you"!

Makoto then took the food that Kyoko had held out, gave you your share first, and started to eat his. Within seconds, the food that Kyoko had given out, was already in your stomach...

"Whew, that's was the best meal I had in ages...! Thanks, Kyoko. I owe you big for that", you said with a smile.

"Yeah, thank you, Kyoko. Now I've got all the energy I need to keep going", Makoto said.

"So you still haven't given up, then", Kyoko said

"Of course not! After all, the fact I can keep going forward is about all I'm good at...".

"Well, that's not such a bad thing to be good at".

"But Kyoko... Why'd you come rescue us"?

"To pay a debt. Or, no...to atone".

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