A Murder? Or Suicide...?

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After leaving the first floor in a hurry, you were relieved to see Hina, Kyoko and Makoto outside the rec room...

"Oh, there you are Y/n! I was looking for you. Here a sketch of what I found in the chem lab. I labeled the cabinets and what type of supplements were in each one", Makoto said

"O-Oh! Thank you Makoto. I owe ya one...".

"Um...are you okay Y/n? You seem a little shaken up", Hina said

"No, I'm okay. I'm probably just tired from running up and down the steps", you said with a slight laugh

"Running up and down the steps?", Kyoko questioned

"Oh, yeah, I went to go and talk with Hiro and Toko about meeting up with Sakura. Let's not forget that they're on the first floor, so running up and down the steps was a real work out".

"I see", Kyoko replied. "I understand that going from the 3rd to the 1st floor would be pretty exhausting but why would she need to be running up an down the stairs like she's in a hurry? Not only that, but her hands are shaking. It's very subtle, but if you look closely, she's shaking. What exactly happened when she went to go talk with Hiro and Toko"?

*Ding dong bing bong*

"...Oops! Ya caught me sleeping. Your investigation was just so boring, I couldn't stay awake! Should I do it? Can I? Can I can I can I? Okay, then let's begin the class trial! You know where to meet, right? Please go through the red door on the first floor of the school! Puhuhu. See you soon"!

After Monokuma's announcement was made, you Makoto, Hina and Kyoko made your way to where Monokuma told you all to meet up. Once you got there, the others started to show up, one after another...

"The ultimate martial artist! ^_^", Monokuma said as he showed up. "A locked room murder mystery! ;)".

"What the...?", Kyoko said

"Oh, I've recently discovered the power...of emoticons! Like, no matter how awful something is, if you toss in a smiley face, it turns positive! For example... You're at a picnic and you find a dead body! XD".

"This is just plain creepy...", Hiro said

"And how about the reverse? No matter how great something is, if you put in a sad face, it makes it look super negative! For example... Do you have a hundred friends? T_T".

"He's right! That*does* make it seem sad"!

"Now then, please get on the elevator! o_O. I'll see you all down there"!<(*-*<) ^(*-*)^ (>*-*)>

"Wh-What the hell was that...?", Toko said

"I don't get it...", Hiro said

"I don't get *you* guys!", Hina said. "How can you act so casual after murdering someone"!?

"I-I...don't think I'm acting casual. Er, I mean...! I didn't murder anyone"!

"Yeah, I'm c-completely innocent... How d-dare you call me a murderer!?", Toko said

"Whatever...", Hina said

"Either way, the truth will be revealed soon enough. Because there can be no doubt, one of us is the culprit", Byakuya said

And with those words left in mind, one by one, everyone started to make their way into the elevator in total silence. You watched as the doors close...and felt it begin its sinister descent. The elevator then lowered, uttering its all too familiar clucking sounds. You will admit that the elevator being so spacious made you a little upset on how many of your classmates have lost their lives in this hell hole. As the elevator continued to go lower and lower..., the ride was eventually came to an end and the doors opened once again...

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