Closer To Solving The Truth pt.1

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Barely listening to Byakuya, you had peered over Makoto's shoulder to read Mukuro's report...

"Mukuro reappeared suddenly, and in the background an entity floats, close but just out of reach. The entity known as...the Ultimate Despair. Right now, I can't be sure if this is a single person, or some kind of group. Whatever it is, Mukuro definitely has some sort of connection to it. I have a bad feeling about all this. I need to push forward with my research into the Ultimate Despair. And I need to pat attention to Mukuro's behavior, too. This is just my gut feeling, but I think she's dangerous. Despite the countless battles she must have gone through as a member of Fenrir...when she entered Hope's Peak, she didn't display any signs of battle wounds or scars. That fact alone proves her tremendous skill in battle. Naturally, I want to believe in her. She's one of my students, after all. But if I decide she's a danger to the other students...I will be forced to take all reasonable measures".

"What's wrong, Makoto?", Byakuya said.


"You seem to be lost in thought. But I should probably point out one other thing. There's another importance bit of information within the file that you two should probably note".

"What is it?", you asked.

"Did you notice the picture in there? A picture of a girl perhaps you've never seen before? A girl who seems to be included as part of our class #78. That should be enough for you to figure out who the girl is. And further information about that girl is included in that file. 5 foot 7 inches, 97 pounds. And it even lists her vitals...31-22-32. Well? What do you two think"?

"What do I think? Are you asking us, like...if she has a nice body?", Makoto said.


"You hopeless idiot. What I'm trying to say, is maybe you'll want to keep that in mind for later. Maybe you'll make your way back to the corpse, and maybe you'll think, "Oh, could that mean...?". Personally, what I'm thinking seems all but impossible. But it wouldn't hurt to confirm, right? That's all I was trying to say. What the both of you do with that information is your business. Oh, and one last thing... It's a bit of advice from me to you, so I suggest you pay attention".

"Advice? From you? What the hell kind of advice would you have"?

"You two seem to be getting along with Kyoko quite well".

"It's not that we're getting along. She's done a lot to help us...", Makoto said.

"Well, don't put too much faith in her. The cost of that faith might be more than you can afford".

"Wh-What are you saying..."?

"Just what I think. Call it a hunch".

"Man, fuck you and your hunches. If you're just trying to look down on Kyoko, then I don't wanna hear it", you said.

"But my hunches tend to be proven right. The advice is free this time. Take it or don't, as you will".


After talking with Byakuya, you and Makoto had decided to split ways for a little bit and do some investigating on your own. After a little while, the both of you had met back up at the bio lab...

"Well, here we are. We're in the bio lab", Makoto said. "It's so cold in here..."!

"It's probably supposed to be cold in here", you said. "There could be hazardous material in here that's meant to kept in a cold place. But from that aside, these big metal doors that are on the other side of the room... It almost reminds me of a morgue".

"You're right. These are fridges...for storing dead bodies. So this is definitely a morgue. Oh! There's something on the table here. It looks like some kind of booklet"?

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