Is he...Really the Killer?

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" this happening?", Makoto said.

"No way... Taka...?", you said.

"T-Toko!? Don't tell me...! Toko, too"!?

"Relax. She just passed out when she saw the blood", Byakuya said. "We've tried everything to get her to wake up, but no luck. Just leave her be for now".

"But...why is it Justice Hammer 4?", Sakura said

"Huh? What do you mean?", Makoto said

"Celeste was attacked with Justice Hammer 1, then Hifumi was hit with Justice Hammer 2. But this time it was Justice Hammer 4. What happened to number 3"?

"Hifumi was killed with Justice Hammer 3...", you said

"Wh..!? Hifumi's been killed"!?


"Which is why you two came to get us...", Byakuya said. "Then we'd better go check it out".

"Of course! Come one!", Sakura said

So Sakura, Byakuya, Makoto and you rushed out of the physics lab. But as soon as all of you were out of the physics lab...


"Celeste? Aren't you supposed to be waiting in the nurse's office?', Makoto said

"S-Something has...come up".

"Yeah, I heard. Hifumi is dead, right?", Byakuya said

"Well...that is not all. It is...gone".

"Huh? What's gone"?

"It has disappeared... Hifumi's body has disappeared"!


"What are you talking about? A body? It's disappeared? Don't be ridiculous", you said


"...Are you serious"?

"What the heck is happening here...!? Everyone, back to the nurse's office!", Sakura said

Everyone then hurried back tot he nurse's office. And when you all opened the door, the unexpected was expected...

"It just...disappeared", Makoto said

"No fucking way...", you said with your eyes widen

"...Me and Celeste went to the bathroom... But we were only gone for like a minute! And then when we got back...", Hina said

"This must be the work of the culprit. He must have come and carried the body away. They must really be enjoying this... Enjoying the sight of us standing around, frightened and confused... We're all going to die here. We're going to die, just like those guys died...".

"I don't believe this", Byakuya said. "I don't believe a body would just...disappear. First there were two murders, and now one of the bodies has been taken? This is...unnatural".

"H-Hold on! What do you mean, TWO murders!?", Hina said

"Taka's been killed. We found him in the equipment room", Sakura said

"I-It can't be! Taka, too!? It can't be... It can't be... NoooooOOOOOO"!

"Hina, calm down!", Sakura said

"We're all gonna die... All of us... They're gonna kill all of us"!

"Then who might the next target be? Toko?", Byakuya said


"I completely forgot! She's still unconscious in the equipment room"!

"You left her at the scene of the crime!?", Celeste said

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