Chapter 34

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Even though she was a little hesitant at first, Charlotte quickly warmed up once again to being around Lauren's Grandma.

Angelic had heard a lot from Lauren about how talented Charlotte was at drawing, and even though she wasn't confident in her work, when Angelica asked her to draw something, she did it without complaint. Maybe that was because she knew (even though it caused an ache in her heart) that her technically Great Grandma would die very soon. Or maybe it was because she had the type of aura that made you feel safe, maybe a bit of both.

Charlotte had realised in that hospital room that the aura Angelica has was passed on through the close family, because with the Jauregui's all she felt was safe and at home.

Sat on the end of the hospital bed, Charlotte shaded at her drawing with her thumb as everyone conversed happily. Even though it wasn't true, she used her concentration on the drawing as her excuse for lack of words. But in all fairness, she just didn't want to interrupt the family moment, the only reason she wasn't curled away in the corner was because Angelica wanted her very near.

"How's it going?" Lauren asked as she walked back into the room with coffee and a water. Charlotte nodded in response. The two had managed to book into a hotel and wash up and change before coming back. They arrived a few days ago now, and it was safe to say Angelica was a lot worse.

Charlotte hated death. She hated it when it was dragged out, humans did that to humans. When a dog got ill you put it out of its misery, but humans had to play some version of God or do tests. It was awful, to watch someone die, put more awful when you new they were in pain whilst dying.

"Done." Charlotte announced quietly, before handing the sheet over to Angelica, who looked over it in awe. "Why did you draw this?" She asked. Her tone was soft and curious, and laced with admiration at her great Granddaughter's talent. She looked at Charlotte to see she was rolling the pencil between her fingers. "It's a Allium flower. It represents unity, humility and patience." Charlotte spoke insecurely, unsure of how to translate what was flying through her head, but when her eyes met Angelica's soft ones, it felt like it was only them in the room, that she wasn't near prying or curious eyes.

"It reminded me of you. When I started drawing everyone was talking about family moments, Unity. With the doctors coming in and out and prodding and poking you, you remain calm and tolerable of them and even us when we fuss over you, Patience. And you're humble. You're amazing but like most humans you don't see that, or at least to the extent that everyone else does, including myself. Humility." Charlotte explained. Her insecurities rose again once she remembered she wasn't alone with Angelica.

"Come here?" Angelica asked. Charlotte carefully made her way closer to Angelica. The olde woman was sat up in her bed and slowly shifted over slightly, so the small 13 year old could sit cross legged beside her. "You are a very special girl you know that?" Angelica stated matter-of-factly. Charlotte was unsure of what to say, but once again she felt as if no one was around, that Angelica was just as unaware of everyone else as she felt, and slowly, a light blush formed on her cheeks from being told so seriously that she was special. And for the first time, she felt special.

"You are incredibly talented and since you are my great Granddaughter, you have to listen to me when I say that you are not allowed to waste this talent, okay? You're a very special young lady that can change many things in the world. You're smart, probably to smart for your own good, but that's a Jauregui trait. Don't let anyone take what you have okay Mija? Because what you have in here," Angelica pointed to her heart, "is something very few people have, and it can be destroyed very quickly. I don't know what it is, but I know that you're insecurities stop it from shining through. And you have to let it shine, because then no one can steal it. Am I making sense?" She was, in a very odd way. She was being pumped with painkillers and all types of marvellous drugs to ease pain. But she was making sense, not only to Charlotte but to everyone else in the room, who knew Charlotte was special. Maybe, it came from her tragic past, maybe she was just born with it, but whatever it was, it was precious and rare, and she along with her family, had to help it grow. Charlotte wasn't sure if that's what Angelica meant, but even so, it made sense still.

Charlotte nodded and smile. "But, how do you know it won't be stolen if I show that I have it?" Charlotte inquired.

"Trust me Mija when I say everyone already knows you have it. Don't let anyone take it or change you." Charlotte nodded again and hugged Angelica, who immediately hugged back. It was a warm, sad hug. But Charlotte loved it.

"Your parents are proud of you Charlotte, don't worry about that. And I know everyone in this room is proud of you too. They love you, and they're going to support you no matter what, including me. Even if I'm not here, I'm still going to love you no matter what." Angelica whispered. Charlotte nodded. "I love you too." She said back. She wasn't one to say it lightly, but she did love Angelica, and it hurt knowing that she had such little time with her.

"I need you to promise me something okay?" Angelica asked, the two were still hugging. "Okay..." Charlotte said as she pulled back reluctantly.

"Well, two things. I want you to draw what happiness is to you. Not straight away of course, but when you finish it I want you to visit me and explain it okay?" Charlotte knew that by 'visit' Angelica meant go to her grave, that hurt her heart, but she nodded. "And secondly, I want you to look after Lauren okay? she's a stubborn girl, but I know you can get through to her." Angelica added with a chuckle. Charlotte smiled and agreed, the two pinky promised and Charlotte kissed her on the cheek.

"I'm so sorry, but visiting hours are over." A nurse announced. Charlotte said goodbye, but she couldn't help feel that this was the last goodbye.

Over the two days of being here, she knew that Angelica had had a mini session with everyone, talking to them like she just had with Charlotte, saying how proud she was and so on. Lauren came out in floods, and the older brunette felt the same about this goodbye.

Angelica, being the person reader she is spoke up before they left the room. They all turned to look at her as she said very sincerely, "It will be okay, I promise."

But the following morning, things didn't feel like they'd be okay again.

She had died.

It was all to soon. Charlotte was outside of the hospital room with various other family members, including Lauren. She was sat on her adoptive mothers lap when the doctor, along with Lauren's Mom and Dad walked out. Clara and Mike were crying, and the Doctor had sorrow and sympathy all over his face. They all knew it that moment she'd passed, and the pain Charlotte felt was unbelievable.

She got off of Lauren's lap, to allow her to hug her family. Charlotte allowed tears to flow from her eyes, and quickly Lauren pulled her into the large family hug that was happening.

They all cried, and somehow, in a daze managed to make it back to the Jauregui household, where they all cuddled together in silence until they fell asleep. Charlotte took a little longer. The unbearable pain in her chest was new to her. For a while she hadn't felt anything at all, but now she was feeling everything, and she couldn't hold back the sob that escaped her lips, so she quickly ran into a bathroom and fell to the floor.

Moments later Lauren joined her, she was crying also as she got onto the floor and pulled Charlotte onto her lap and cradled the crying girl.

"Why does it hurt?" Charlotte sobbed, "because that's what happens when someone you love dies. But it's okay, she promised that it will be okay, and it will be. Grandma never broke her promises, and she won't break her last one." Lauren whispered.

The pain she felt made her never to want to love anyone again. This made her afraid of loosing Lauren, the girls, everyone. She kept sobbing as Lauren rubbed her back as she cried, until Charlotte finally passed out from crying so much, and not long after Lauren fell asleep to. The two of them cuddled up on the comfy bath mat.

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