Chapter 37

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She couldn't remember the last time she had ran like this. She sprinted through the hotel and out the lobby. Luckily for her, the group of fans had dispersed which let her have a clean getaway.

She had no clue where she was running, her vision was blurred by tears that were beginning to stream down her face. She had a large stitch on her right side, and the lack of food in her system wasn't helping at all.

Her body was beginning to feel weak and heavy, and as much as she didn't want to slow down, she didn't want to collapse in the middle of the street, so she slowed down into a steady jog until she ran into someone. "Easy there tiger." The familiar Australian voice teased. Charlotte looked up to see Beau smiling at her, though it faltered when he saw the state Charlotte was in. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked worriedly, taking a step closer to the trembling Charlotte.

The teen shook her head. "I got in a fight with Lauren..." Charlotte sniffed. Beau went to hug her, but took a step back since he didn't want to invade her space. "Were you going to hug me?" She asked, Beau nodded sheepishly. "Good, I need one."

Without needing to be told twice, Beau stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Charlotte's small frame. "Do you want to come to my house?" He asked, Charlotte nodded weakly, she didn't want to be alone right now and she wanted to spend time with her new friend since their time was limited.

"We have to bike there, is that okay?" Beau asked. Charlotte nodded weakly.

He put down his back bike pegs and got on, Charlotte got on behind him and he soon pushed off.

To begin with, it was wobbling and horrifying, but once he picked up speed, the ride was easier and not to long after they arrived at Beau's house.

Charlotte had never fallen in love with a house before. Granted that the girl's house in L.A wasn't to shabby, she loved how simple Beau's house was and she couldn't help but want her future house to be the exact same.

It was decent sized and two story. Around the house was a sandstone wall that barely met her hip and had a small gate in the middle with a path the lead directly to the front porch, where an old man was sleeping on a rocking chair.

Charlotte jumped off Beau's bike and allowed him to let her through the gate as he put his bike away in the small garage next to the house.

"Hey Pop!" Beau yelled, making the sleeping old man jump up and grab the gun beside him, making Charlotte yelp and hide behind Beau. "It okay girly!" The old Australian man laughed as he pulled the trigger, making water squirt out of it and make Beau like he peed his pants. "Just a water gun, scares Cats away." He chuckled. Charlotte breathed and stepped out from behind Beau, who was now muttering about how embarrassing his grandpa was.

"Charlotte this is Pop, Pop this is Charlotte." Beau introduced them. Charlotte waved and Pop smiled. "Are you staying for dinner? Gram is cooking tonight, so burgers." Pop groaned as he got up, showing his rather ugly collared shirt, sand coloured 3/4 length pants and his odd hat that looked a lot like Crocodile Dundee's, just lighter.

"Um..." Charlotte began, not wanting to intrude. "Yeah she is Pop. But I should probably introduce her to them first." Beau said, taking Charlotte's hand and leading her through the house.

The interior design was simple an elegant also, it kept a rather neutral and light theme, and on the walls on surfaces were family pictures. "Is this you?" Charlotte asked as she pointed to the large photo hanging up in the hallway that had a lot of relatives in. "Yeah, I was 10 at the time." Beau admitted as his hand that wasn't holding Charlotte's, found its way to the back of his neck and rubbed it nervously. "You were so cute." Charlotte gushed, making Beau blush.

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