Chapter 4

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The show couldn't of been more incredible. No video could of done it justice. 

During the show, Charlotte had completely forgotten about going backstage to 'hang out' with them, meaning her anxiety completely vanished and made enjoying the show a lot easier since the uneasy feeling was soon replaced by concert adrenaline.

The show had ended far to soon, even in Charlotte's opinion the show wasn't long enough but she knew that it felt that way since good things never last long enough in general. She and Elise had managed to meet up with the girls they'd met at the bus and danced around with them, laughing and singing along together as if they'd known one another for more than a few hours.

"That was awesome!" Julia cheered. "It really was!" Elise agreed. "We should meet up again soon." Becca suggested, wiping her brow. Everyone agreed and swapped numbers before they left, apart from Elise and Charlotte of course, who were now sat in their seats, calming down from the show.

"How you feeling?" Charlotte asked. "Good, but tired. I think we sung and danced more here than we did at that One Directions concert." Elise smiled with the corner of her mouth. "I agree with that, I think Kait, Jessie and Kylie would have had trouble keeping up." Charlotte chuckled. Elise nodded and pointed over to the side. "Big Rob's here, come on." The two stood up and walked over to him. "Charlotte and Elise?" He asked, the two nodded and Charlotte grabbed Elise's hand, getting a gentle squeeze in return. "Follow me." He said before walking off.

They had to jog a little to keep up with his long strides, but soon they were backstage, and the strange, foreign feeling in Charlotte's stomach returned very quickly as they stopped in front of Fifth Harmony's dressing room.

Elise knocked on the door and it quickly flew open, revealing a post show Camila, who had obviously just gotten out of the shower since her hair was wet and she was in sweats and a plain T-shirt. "HI!" She yelled excitedly, stepping aside to let Elise and Charlotte in.

"The others will be in in a second, they're still getting changed." Camila explained as she shut the door behind them. 

"Do you guys want anything?" Camila asked. It was evident that Elise was a little to star-struck to talk, making Charlotte giggle at her. "I think we're good." Charlotte politely declined. "Camila nodded. "You seem a lot more quiet." Camila nudged Elise gently, making her snap her back into reality and blurt "I love you so much." Making Charlotte burst out into laughter that she was desperately trying to stifle as Elise went bright red. Camila chuckled lightly and said "I love you too" making Elise go even redder.

Lauren and Dinah walked in, wearing similar clothing to Camila. "What are you laughing at?" Dinah asked Charlotte, who was now a little calmer. "Elise just confessed her love for Camila, and freaked out a little." Charlotte explained. Lauren and Dinah let out a chuckle.

"Did you two enjoy the show?" Lauren asked as she sat down on one of the large couches. Elise and Charlotte both nodded enthusiastically. "It was amazing!" Charlotte answered truthfully. "Yeah you guys can really sing live! You were amazing-" Elise started gushing, complimenting everyone and using music terms which made less sense to Charlotte than Russian did. As Elise spoke to everyone, sitting down next to them all once Normani and Ally came in, Charlotte sat as far away as she could without seeming rude. She felt out of place, and she didn't feel like speaking anymore. It wasn't normal for her to talk a lot anyway, and after how much she had jumped and screamed out lyrics she now just wanted to eat and go to bed without another word.

"Can we Charlotte?" Normani asked. "Huh?" Charlotte mumbled, realising she'd zoned out so much that she missed more than just Elise's gushing.

"Can the girls stay over too?" Elise answered. Charlotte really wanted to decline, but it was for Elise, and it was obvious they were being extremely nice and being her best friends even if it was for tonight. So Charlotte nodded. "Only if we get pizza though." She stated. "YES I AGREE!" Camila yelled. The others giggled and nodded, before gathering up their belongings and leaving the venue together, though Charlotte was behind them, since they were all either had linked arms or holding hands, something Charlotte wasn't that comfortable with.

They turned around once in a while, to make sure Charlotte was okay, but she was to busy staring at her phone or the floor to notice, though she was keeping track of the conversation, so she would be able to answer anything if asked.

They all called a cab, Charlotte ended up sharing with Lauren a little to her dismay, not liking car rides without someone familiar, but Lauren seemed to be the calmest out of them all so she didn't mind.

"You don't say much, is everything okay?" Lauren asked softy once they settled in the cab. Charlotte nodded. "I don't like talking all that much." Charlotte shrugged. 

"Can I ask why?" Lauren pressed. Because I used to get beaten by my Uncle if I did. Charlotte thought, but instead answered with "I have nothing of any importance to say." "How would you know if you never talk?" Lauren countered again, making Charlotte groan a little. "I just do." She snapped, moving a little further away from Lauren.

"Look I'm sorry." Charlotte sighed, not wanting the atmosphere to be this bad at Elise's. "I just don't like talking and it was never in my personality to be talkative." She lied, she used to be very talkative when her parents were alive, but that was years ago and she's changed since then. "I know your doing this for Elise for whatever reason I don't know, but please don't waste your time on me, trying to talk or include me, you don't know me and you don't need to." Charlotte finished. Lauren was looking at her with a soft expression. "But I know I, and the others would like to know you. Elise thinks you're great." Lauren tried once more. "It took Elise 3 years to get this close to me, she has a tendency to over talk things and people. Don't waste your time trying to get to know me, it won't work and I'm not worth knowing. Trust me."

The rest of the cab ride was silent. Lauren was shocked at how insecure and afraid Charlotte clearly was of letting people get close to her, which sparked her fascination for the young girl. She knew quiet people, enough to know that Charlotte's quietness was put into her, not born.

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