2- an inspiration of mine

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Namjoon had written about five thousand words of his new idea already and once again hit a writer's block. No matter what he did, what he thought of, he couldn't write the perfect male love interest. Maybe it was because he was a male himself and he wasn't attracted to men so he couldn't exactly vision what would be attractive about a man in a woman's eyes. It would be the first time he's writing from a woman's perspective and it was indeed challenging.

He thought maybe he should monitor Yoongi. He knows his friend is attracted to men so maybe it'll help to watch how he acts around men he finds attractive. Though right now, Yoongi was in his room, getting ready to the park again. Since yesterday, he had technically been invited back by the cute boys at the basketball court and he couldn't turn down that offer. Namjoon sometimes struggles to understand him. Like right now as he wore a black long sleeve shirt with black jeans. All black on a hot, August day.

"Why do you cover yourself like a nun all the time?" Namjoon quips, rolling his eyes at Yoongi's antics.

The smaller male slides on his Nike shoes, "I don't want them thinking I'm just a short, skinny, pale guy. I'm insecure."

"But you are a short, skinny, pale guy." Namjoon says and Yoongi playfully punches him. He is wearing khaki shorts with a black tank shirt that shows off his arms. He carries his satchel with him, this time with his laptop in it. He planned on finding a shady area and writing for a bit.

Arriving to the park, Yoongi begs Namjoon to walk with him over to the courts. There was more people today, about ten of them. Yoongi eventually found the boy he was looking for and shooed Namjoon away. Joon scoffs, feeling abandoned but finds a shady tree to sit under. He sets up his laptop, opens his unfinished document and stills. He doesn't know what to write. Just like that, he lost his motivation.

He groans out loud, scaring two children walking by. He doesn't can as he sulks against the lumpy tree bark. It is a nice day, not too hot or cold, and yet he couldn't think of anything to write. His fingers itched to type something yet he couldn't. He truly feels like he lost his artistic motivation and debates on going to collect Yoongi and then heading back home.

Pushing his laptop off his lap, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Maybe he just has to calm down a bit first. Maybe he has to adjust to the noise in the park first. He hears a few people talking and tries to ignore them but they are too distracting. He opens his eyes and looks around for the people who are now laughing.

About fifteen feet diagonally in front of him sits three boys on a large crocheted blanket. One of them sets up food while another pours wine into their disposable cups. A picnic apparently. A picninc with wine. And the food smells delicious, the winds carries the scent to Namjoon who grows hungry. He wonders what it is and who cooked it. He's a bit envious as he watches the three laugh and talk to one another while enjoying their meal. His only friend is Yoongi and Yoongi's only friend is him. It's been like that for years.

Namjoon picks his laptop up again and decides to write about his female protagonist sitting alone under an oak tree. She is a poet who gets inspiration from the world around her. She writes about the way the grass blades follow the wind's command. How the sun cascades down on to her shades area in choppy beams due to the leaves blocking it. Namjoon is going somewhere. He's unsure about his destination yet he continues writing.

He describes her in a an earthy brown skirt, the flowing fabric brushing against her ankles when she walked. She wore a black turtleneck shirt tucked into the fabric of her skirt and her feet are clad in black sandles. He could picture his characters, she'd have middle eastern features with monolidded eyes. Maybe curly hair tied back with a scarf or maybe she wore a hijab. He isn't sure how he wants his character to be yet. However, he was starting to grow restless as he thought of ways to introduce the love interest. Perhaps, instead of making her infatuated with the man, he becomes infatuated with her? Namjoon is stuck again.

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