22- i'll show you

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If there's one thing that Namjoon didn't prepare for when seeing Seokjin for the first time in a while, it would be his beauty. Namjoon prepared a speech, a declaration of his affection and admiration for the older male. He was prepared to be slapped and cussed out, he even prepared for the tears because he knew Seokjin can be a bit emotional. But he forgot how absolutely distracting Seokjin's beautiful face was.

As soon as he saw him when he opened the door, his eyes never missed such beauty. It was like alarms went off in his mind, reminding him that yes, this is Kim Seokjin. The man that you have feelings for. The man who you fantasize about at night. Whom you dreamt about touching and pleasuring and-

"Are you going to blink?" Was the first thing that came out of Seokjin's beautiful, unkissed mouth.

Namjoon awkwardly clears his throat and glances away. However, his eyes return to him just a second later. He can't keep his eyes off of him. It's like he's under a spell, drawn into a siren's song. Enslaved to this trance that is Kim Seokjin's beauty. And Seokjin does not seem amused.

Without a word from his beautiful mouth, (because that's all Namjoon can describe it as. He's missed those beautiful lips, too-) Seokjin spins on his heel and walks back into his house. He leaves the door open, however, signaling for Namjoon to enter. Not that Namjoon wouldn't enter anyway. He didn't bike all the way here just for Jin to glare at him and leave.

The aroma of food invades his nostrils. Some type of meat, pan fried and garnished with cilantro and garlic. Namjoon wishes he could name it by just the smell, but as he's following Seokjin to the kitchen, he can see it himself. What's even weirder is that Seokjin is allergic to garlic so why would he cook his own food with it?

"This isn't your way of self harm, is it?" Namjoon blurts out without thinking, motioning down to the plate of grilled chicken breast sprinkled with a bit of minced garlic.

Seokjin stops in his stride and throws a vicious glare over his shoulder. One that had Namjoon bite down on his lip to contain anymore burtsts of stupidity. He's just excited and nervous to be in the same room as Jin again. It's causing him to say and do dumb shit like stare at him or accuse him of self harm by allergic reaction.

"It's for the kid, not me." Seokjin answers, turning back to focus on the task he had at hand which was chopping more garlic.

Namjoon was about to ask another dumb question when 'the kid' in question enters the kitchen. His beady eyes lit up in surprise from seeing him and then he breaks into a mini sprint and tackle hugs Namjoon.

"Hy-hyung! It's been a while!" The boy gasps, clenching tightly to Namjoon as if he'd disappear if he let go.

Namjoon smiles and wraps his arms around Jeongguk in return. He doesn't mention the black eye or bruised cheek on his blotchy face. "Hey, Gguk. How have you been? I've missed you."

Jeongguk breaks the hug and smiles up at him. Namjoon notices that it doesn't quite reach his eyes. His left one is swollen and a dark purple circle is apparent underneath it. Whoever hit him wanted to leave a mark. But even despite that, Jeongguk smiles. And Namjoon is glad he's able to still do it.

"I-I've been okay. How are you? I've missed you too, y-y'know. Jin hyung a-also missed you-"

"Why don't you try the food I made you, Kookie?" Seokjin cuts in and offers Jeongguk a seat at the kitchen table. With a small, mischievous grin towards the older male, Jeongguk follows suit.

Seokjin wipes the sweat off his forehead and turns to Namjoon. "Let's talk in the living room."

Namjoon nods, glancing at Jeongguk who seems to be enjoying his meal. He smiles at the sight before walking to the other room with Seokjin in tow. Silently, they both take a seat. With Namjoon on the couch and Seokjin in the loveseat diagonal from him. The set up is a little weird but it seems as though neither of them wanted to sit beside each other anyway. Would it be too awkward? Or would it stir up tension?

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