15- hangovers

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Namjoon grunts in his sleep, shifting a bit. There's something disrupting his very needed slumber and he tried to ignore it but he doesn't think he can anymore. He isn't sure when exactly he woke up, but his eyes flicker open to a mess of ruffled dark hair in front of him.

His body feels heavy, groggy even as he inahles slowly and rolls on to his back. The bright streams of the mid afternoon sun slipping through the window curtains angles awkwardly at his eyes. He squints and rubs at them.

Memories of last night play through his mind like an old film, shaky and blurry and slightly unfocused. Getting drunk at the bar with Yoongi, the gummy bears, dancing with Seokjin. Kissing Seokjin. Touching Seokjin. Moaning his name, kissing and touching and grinding. Namjoon's head starts to ache.

He turns and looks back at the messy brown hair beside him and sighs. Everything was blurry in his head, but he can remember it. The way his body felt high on marijauna, the liquor in his blood, something he can't put in the words. But now that he's come down from it, his body feels heavy and he isn't sure if he regrets what happened last night.

He flips on his side again and this time scoots a bit closer to Seokjin's sleeping form. He wraps an arm around his waist, humming at the warmth radiating from his bare torso. Maybe he can go back to sleep. Namjoon sheepishly tucks his face behind Seokjin's neck, inhaling his fading cologne from last night. He closes his eyes, listening to Seokjin's soft and even breaths. It's when he's finally melting into the realms of sleep that he hears the sound again.

This time, it's obvious to what it is. Someone is crying and throwing up. Sobbing, actually. Not wailing loudly like a baby but loud enough to disturb his sleep twice.

Part of him was just going to ignore it and let someone else take care of it. But he couldn't go back to sleep no matter how hard he tried. And Seokjin started to stir and mumble while subconsciously scooting further into Namjoon's warmth.

There's a sound of something falling over, probably from the bathroom. And the puking continues. Namjoon groans and sits up, looking down at Seokjin in envy. He wishes he was a heavy sleeper.

When he stumbled out of bed, he shivered at the cold air in the room. Being against Seokjin's bare back and underneath his warm blankets felt so good. The cold of the room just made him feel irritated. He threw on the first shirt he saw (which was Seokjin's) and headed towards where the crying was coming from. He was right, it was the bathroom.

And kneeling on the floor in an oversized shirt that just barely covered his exposed bottom, is Park Jimin. Currently, he's emptying the alcohol he ingested last night out of his stomach with Hoseok standing next to him, crouched and holding his hair away from his face. The later seems to be recovering from being sick as well and maybe they took turns puking in the toilet bowl. They both definitely regret getting shitfaced drunk last night.

"Everything alright?" Namjoon questions them, his voice deep with slumber. Hoseok flinches in surprise but nods his head, focusing on Jimin.

"Just the aftermath of last night," Hoseok mutters and from his voice alone, it was clear that he had recently woken up as well. And Namjoon notes that he's clad in a pink pajama set. He's never seen him in such bright colors and thinks that it suits him.

"You look pretty nice for someone who has a hangover," he comments lightheartedly and watches as Hoseok blushes lightly and ducks his head shyly.

Jimin sits back on his heels, sniffling and wiping his mouth. His eyes are red and puffy and tears dampen his blotchy cheeks. He seems to definitely regret drinking so much last night.

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