24- her

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I have a new namjin book coming out this month called Rookie #254. It's a military au. Please save it to your libraries! <3

Please also check out my taekook book Space Kitty!

"I-Is this...really okay?"

"Of course," they say. "You look beautiful."

Staring into the mirror, Hoseok frowns. There's a small bit of discomfort while looking at the reflection. Yet, there's a huge part that feels relieved.

Jimin's arm rests around Hoseok's shoulder. Both of their reflections appear in the mirror. Under Jimin's eyes, there's sparkly makeup and a few tiny stickers that are placed randomly on their face. They wear a kind, genuine smile. They've always been kind. A genuine friend. A friend that accepts and understands Hoseok.

"You're so pretty, Hobi." They say, softer this time. Hoseok's eyes meet theirs through the mirror. Jimin means it. It's obvious due to the look in their eyes. And Hoseok feels a warm blush rise.

Jimin rests their head on Hoseok's shoulder. "I wish I would've known sooner."

Hoseok smiles. Genuine and kind like Jimin's smile. "You wish you would've known what?"

Jimin sighs, "I wish I would've known how pretty you'd be as a girl."

Hobi blushes deeply. Jimin turns away from the mirror to look at her face. "I'm so proud of you. I know this isn't going to be easy to tell the others or to get used to, but I'm here for you. And they'll accept you because they're your friends and they love you. You know that, right?"

Taking a deep breath shakily, she nods. "I know. But...I'm scared."

"It's okay to be scared." Jimin then pulls her into a tight hug. She gladly accepts it, holding Jimin's smaller frame. "Fear is normal when it comes to these things. But think of it as a preview. You don't have to place all your cards on the table just yet. Start with one."

"Start with one," Hobi repeats to herself. That should be easier. She doesn't have to go into any detail. She'll just introduce herself and that's it. She looks just like herself. Not in a dress, not in a wig or on hormones. Just herself. The only difference is jer mindset. And part of it makes her feel a bit uncomfortable looking at herself being so masculine presenting despite feeling different. Feeling feminine.

Jimin breaks the hug and stands on their tippy toes to press a kiss to her nose. "You got this. Now, let's go."

They exit the bathroom and head to the living room where Seokjin and Jeongguk sat on the carpeted floor, painting on canvases. They're both clad in pajamas, Jeongguk's being a panda onsie and Jin's being a set with stars and sheep printed on it. They both glance up when Jimin and Hobi enter the room. It was obvious that two had a deep conversation due to Hobi's glassy eyes and the fact that they were gone for a while.

"Everything alright?" Seokjin asks and they both nod, settling down on the floor beside their friends.

"Everything's alright." Jimin says, picking up a canvas and a paint brush. Hobi nods along, though feeling uncomfortably awkward.

Jin and Jeongguk can sense something's wrong but they don't mention it. Jeongguk barely even looks at Jimin. In fact, he didn't even want to come to this 'slumber party' because he and Jimin hadn't cleared the air yet. But Seokjin dragged him along and mentioned that this was for Hoseok, not Jimin. And as Hoseok's friend, Jeongguk decided to put his beef with Jimin aside.

"Look at my whale," Jin lifts up his canvas to show Jimin and Hobi.

"Looks like a blob." Jimin chuckles and Seokjin pouts.

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