1- sweaty guys are cute

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A pale boy, swarmed in the fabric of his best friend's sweater, sits cross legged on a leather sofa. In his hands, a draft chapter of his friend's new book. A romantic erotica about a man with fragile masculinity and a woman who conforms to society's standards. He's just finished reading a sex scene in which the man strips her of white laced panties and performs oral sex in an office space.

"Wow? Is that a good 'wow' or a bad one?" His friend asks, tapping his desk with his fingernails. He waited anxiously for his pale friend's opinion.

"It's...okay. A little basic."

Namjoon knew that having Yoongi review his work would always make him a bit upset. He appreciated his smaller, pale friend for being honest but it didn't mean that his words didn't hurt. Namjoon works hard on his books after all.

He sits up in his seat, raising a brow. "Why do you say it's basic?"

Yoongi licks his lips, debating on being blunt or softening up his opinion. He may not have much experience with sex but he sure knew what he seen as boring and what not. And in his opinion, heterosexual sex is always boring.

"Rushing into the office, hickeys and love bites everywhere, white panties and sex on the desk? I've seen this scene over and over again." He explains and Namjoon's features form a frown.

"I'm not saying your writing is bad. It's just that this scene is a bit cliché, y'know?"

Namjoon agrees. Recently, he's been struggling to write a good erotic scene that he was satisfied with. His readers love his books, especially those scenes but that meant that everytime he released a new book, he'd have to write better. He's watched pornography and read other erotic books and even researched about BDSM but still couldn't seem to write a scene he was satisfied with. The one he did write had indeed been cliché but it was the best he could do at the moment.

"Should I changed the color of the panties?"

Yoongi shrugs. "maybe make her wear spandex underwear shorts. That way the focus isn't the male's gaze but to her comfort. Like, she isn't choosing her underwear for the gaze of a man. And try making her take charge more in the sexual scenes. It's boring when men are the main dominant ones."

Namjoon looks surprised but he flips a page in his notebook and scribbles the words down. From a perspective perspective, he found submissive women who wear laced panties to be more sexy. His favorite thing was writing about the contrast of the lace against their soft, smooth, skin. He never once thought that he was writing his female characters in terms of a male gaze. Submissive, soft, shaven, and smaller features.

"I've never realized that," he mumbles and Yoongi nods.

The smaller male lifts his mug of coffee from the glossed, birch wood coffee table and sips from it. The sleeves of his sweater pile around his wrists, almost making them disappear in the fabric.

"Just because a lot of your readers are women doesn't mean you should write your female characters as societal norms of them." He adds on and Namjoon runs a hand through his hair, sighing.

"Then what shall I do? I'm in a rut here." The writer groans into his hands, pausing and letting himself sulk for a few seconds. He debates on scrapping his whole chapter.

Yoongi watches him from where he sits, sipping from his bitter coffee. "I think you should try different approaches to the sex scenes. Maybe instead of just jumping right into it, add a little fore play or let them flirt a little to get riled up. Allow room for a climax to happen."

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