12- that night under the mistletoe

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Happy Holidays! 💕

It's as if colder weather makes a perfect excuse to cuddle a person. The winter seems to serve as a snowy cupid, pushing lovers together with hot chocolate, snow, and warm blankets. Namjoon knows this familiar feeling. He's written about it before. It's a nice feeling.

Seokjin, laying on his lap wrapped in a soft blanket snoring lightly, reminds him of this feeling. He isn't paying much attention to the Christmas movie on the flat screen television, or to Jimin and Jeongguk building a gingerbread house while Taehyung and Hoseok decorate gift stockings. Instead, he stares down at the man asleep on him. He brushes through his soft hair.

What came after their kiss was a calm night filled with blushes and shy glances. Seokjin took Namjoon home, walked him to his door and they hugged. This one was a bit more awkward than the the other times they've embraced each other but it was okay. It was that awkwardly, cute moment that played in Namjoon's head when he got ready for bed that night.

They hadn't spoke since. Not a phone call, not a text. It's safe to say they were both scared to address the situation. Friends don't just make out with each other. So they gave it space, gave themselves space. At least until Jimin forced all of them over for a movie night a week later.

It was the only day all of them would be in together since many of them were going to visit their family. Prior to the movie night, they did a raffle for 'Secret Santa' in which they randomly gift the person's name they drew. Now, there was seven wrapped gifts under the fake Christmas tree, some bigger than others, but it's the thought that counts.

Namjoon, as expected, pulled Seokjin's name. It's not that he didn't want to, but he found it hard to shop for him. What would Seokjin like? He isn't a book nerd like Namjoon is so a book was out of the question. He just hoped that whatever he got him, Seokjin would like it.

But shortly after they all finished dinner, (courtesy of the younger ones) they all migrated to the spacious living room.

The fireplace crackled and hissed with roaring flames contained in the chimney. If Santa were to come down this one, he'd be roasted like a turkey.

"Look at them cuddling!" Jeongguk suddenly gushes, pointing at Namjoon and Seokjin.

Jimin grins at them, "Aw that's so cute."

Rolling his eyes, Namjoon removes his hand from Seokjin's hair. He feels uncomfortable with being watched so he pretends to be interested in the movie.

"Hyung, why can't we be like them? I wanna cuddle too." Jeongguk pouts, giving Taehyung a pointed look.

Taehyung's eyes stay focused on placing googly eyes on his stocking. "Maybe if you wouldn't have thrown a huge ass snowball at me, we would've been cuddling."

Jeongguk whines and Jimin chuckles. "To be fair, Gguk, that snowball was the size of my head."

"I was just playing around!"

"You can cuddle with me, Ggukie." Hoseok offers after he finishes his stocking. The boy grins and rushes over to pull him to an open space on the couch. The two crawl under a blanket and cuddle into each other. Jeongguk quite literally wraps his whole body around Hoseok.

Namjoon smiles at the sight. He was honestly happy that he had the chance to make new friends. He's already grown fond of all of them already, especially the male who shifts slightly on his lap. Seokjin's brows furrow slightly in his sleep. Namjoon fights the urge to soften the wrinkles between them.

"Okay, let's start with the gift opening." Yoongi suddenly says, coming out of the kitchen with a cup of hot chocolate. He made it his mission to make some after dinner.

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