Chapter 5

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I woke up early in the morning because I have to go for jogging. Well.. it's necessary. I have to be fit. I wore my jogging outfit and went outside.

Don't worry. My weapons is with me but hidden. I was jogging for few minutes than I went to a park and started doing exercise. Suddenly I felt someone is calling me. I turned and saw Sanha running towards me.

Sh:"Hey.. good morning Noona."

Sn:"Oh..hey Sanha. Good morning. You came here for jogging too?"

Sh:"Yes. I didn't saw you before."

Sn:"Oh..actually...I don't do exercise usually. That's why." how can I do when I don't even get much time to rest as well. Huh...this idol thingy.

Sh:"Well...Noona. Did you hear what happened yesterday?"

Sn:"What.....? Uh..oh...the incident of Cha Eun woo's? Yeah..I heard that. Is he okay now?"

Sh:"Yeah..he is okay. Moonbin hyung found him." don't know the reality.


Sh:"Oh..Noona. You should come to our dorm and meet with eunwoo hyung. He would be very glad." He said with a wink. I don't even get what he is trying to say. But agreed.

Sn:"Well...I will go. See you later Sanha." I waved at him and went to my apartment.

Sanha's Pov

Well....I did a great job. I know why hyung went to the bridge last night. He was definitely missing you. Hihi...I can understand him.

Soyeona's Pov

I finished my practice and was about to go to my house when suddenly I remember Sanha's word. Oh...I have to go.

Today we didn't do that much practice because of eunwoo's last night incident. I went to their dorm. Their dorm is not so far from our company. I went there and rang the bell. A few seconds later somebody opened the door and I saw, it was Jinjin oppa.

JJ:"Hey.. Soyeona. What are you doing here?"he asked me in surprise.

Sn:"Oh.. actually I came here to meet with eunwoo. I hear about last night. So..I am worried about him. Can I see him?"

JJ:"Yes of course."he let me enter their dorm. Their dorm was half neat and half mess. Obviously they are boy so it's expected. He led me to a room. I think it's their living room. Everyone's eyes were on me.

MJ:"Soyeona. What are you doing here?"

JJ:"She came here to see if eunwoo is well or not."He said. But I didn't noticed his smirk.

MJ:"Awww...she must be worried for him."
I saw Cha eunwoo is blushing.

Sh:"Hey..Noona. come sit here."he stood up from his seat and patted it. It was right beside of eunwoo. I have nothing to do so I sat with him.

MJ:"Perfect"he giggled. I don't have a clue what he is saying.

Ew:"Umm.... Soyeona. You didn't have to come here. I am alright."

Sn:"No. It's okay. After all, you are my friend,right?" Suddenly his face
saddened. But he quickly removed it.

Ew:" the way, how was your practice." With that I started to chatting with them. Well... specially with him. When I was chatting with him, I felt a pair of eyes staring at me. But I shrugged it off.

Cha eunwoo's Pov

She came for me here. She was worried for me. Wohooo...great. I am so happy. But when she said we are friends I felt sadness. But I quickly removed it and agreed with her. I don't wanna be a friend. I want to be more. Like Boyfriend?
Yeah...Soyeona. What you've done to me? I think I love you.


Sadness, Jealousy just eating me. I can't take it anymore.

Soyeona's Pov

After that I went to my apartment.I was so much tired so I skipped my dinner. I was about to sleep when suddenly my phone received a message. I took my phone and saw,

??:"Did you went home safely? I hope so. Don't skip your dinner,coz I know you will. Sleep peacefully without any tension. I know you're very tired. Don't worry. I will manage everything. Goodnight kitten."

I smiled at this message. I know who sent me that. He knows me very well. He even know that when will I eat or not. He is very caring. And I love that. Not that way, you know. Just friends.

Me:"Don't worry,I reached home safely. And okay, I won't skip dinner. Thanks for caring. Goodnight to you too, Kitty."

I can't go against him. So I have to eat my dinner. With that I stood up and went to my kitchen.


After seeing her message I was so happy. She didn't even forget to mention my nickname. I love it when she called me by my nickname which is given by her. Goodnight Soyeona.

Hello guys!!How you all are doing. I hope fine. Hopefully, you enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for you reading. But don't forget to vote astro and stream after midnight. Fighting Rohas. Bye....

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