Chapter 2

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After the mission a furious Steve Rogers stormed through HQ to Nick Fury's office. He busted in the door without knocking, he was sick of y/n and she was messing with his head. He needed her gone.

"I can't deal with her anymore Fury!" Steve snapped as he walked into Fury's office. Fury sat leaning back in his chair, one finger on his temple and facing away from Steve. "She's reckless and insubordinate, I can't work her anymore!". "Rogers..." Fury started to say turning to face him, until Steve didn't let him finish. Steve stops in front of Fury's desk. "She doesn't listen to a thing I say and defies me in front of the team!" Steve continues while Fury just stares blankly. "She's a liability and needs to be put in her place" Steve hits the desk with his hand as he finishes talking.

"If you had let me speak, I could have told you I have a meeting with y/l/n now to discuss her behaviour" Fury says while rolling his eyes at Steve.

I heard the words come out of Fury's mouth and instantly felt her presence. I shut my eyes and let out a exasperated sigh. I turned around to see her standing leaning against the doorway with a amused look on her face. She was wearing black high waisted jeans, a deep red camisole top and black boots. She looked so powerful, she knew her affect on men and she used it to her advantage. It drove me mad.

She cleared he throat and started to strut into the room "Don't stop on my account Captain" she announced, mockingly saying my title. "Thanks Fury" I mutter slightly embarrassed. She walked over and stood beside me. Her vanilla perfume filling my lungs, I shook the thoughts from my head.

As I stood next to him I noticed Roger's demeanour shift, still frustrated but something was different.
You'd think I'd be upset about the things I heard but his words don't affect me anymore, I don't give him that satisfaction. But his words definitely annoy me.

"Now that your both here I have a solution" Fury finally says standing up and I raise my brow give him a confused look. "Agent y/l/n your an amazing agent but Rogers has a point, you need to learn your place and Rogers is going to help you". I'm more than confused at this point, I  look at Rogers and see he's as lost as me. "He's gonna what now?" I question. Fury sighs and explains "You will train under Captain Rogers for the next 3 weeks and he will report back to me, you'll learn how to function under his command as team leader". Steve looked like he was about to explode, I mean the man might as well had steam coming out of his ears. But I was worse, I was raging I can't stand this man how I am supposed to deal with him bossing me around for 3 weeks. "You've got to be fucking-" I start but Fury cuts me off. "Take it or leave it y/n, I can't have you out in the field jeopardising yours or anyone else's safety".

All I could see was red, anger radiated off my body and I was about to go on a rampage so I thought it was best to leave before someone ended up critically injured. I rolled my eyes and stormed out of his office. I slammed the door on my way out.

I was so pissed at Fury, my aim was to get away from this woman but what's happened is the complete opposite. I glare at Fury but he simply says "That will be all Captain, training starts tomorrow". Clearly irritated I turned on my heels and left the office.

Just as the elevator was about to close I stopped it with my hand and it opened, revealing a very vexed y/n. I calmly walk to the other side of the lift and lean up against the long silver handle. She ignored my presence completely, staring straight ahead at the doors. I don't know why but I needed her attention, it's this urge I get when she's in the room for her to notice me. Maybe that's why I'm such a dick to her.Finally breaking the silence I say "You know you brought this on yourself y/n". Her head snaps my way and her fiery eyes are back, "Listen here you smug son of a-" she stops herself and takes a deep breath. I can't help but smirk at this headstrong woman in front of me. I stare at her with a piercing glare waiting for her to continue but she doesn't. Smart girl maybe she's learning already.

I don't know what came over me but I said "You know y/n I'm going to enjoy this" while stepping closer to her small body. She immediately gets flustered at the close proximity and I lean down so I'm at her level. "Controlling your every move" I whisper into her ear, I can hear her breath quicken and her fragrance fills my lungs once again sending me into a frenzy which reluctantly control. "It's going to be extremely satisfying to me" I add smugly.

"I-I hate you" she mutters while still looking ahead, giving me a perfect view of her side profile. I can't help but stare at her beautiful face. "Shit did I just call her beautiful" I think to myself. I scan my eyes over her defined features, soft eyes and plump lips and a loose strand of hair fell on her temple. I fought the urge to push it behind her ear. She turned to look at me and catches me staring. Her rage switches to shock for a second catching my gaze of admiration.
I quickly look away, ignoring her confused stare.

When I turned to give him a piece of his mind for trying to wind me up, I catch him staring. I look straight into his deep blue eyes and see...admiration and lust. I'm taken aback by his forward stare but he quickly looks away, pretending nothing happened. I really hate this man. "I'm going to make your life fucking miserable Captain" I spit. His amused smirk comes back and he responds "You already do, sweetheart". I wanted to punch him in his sexy face for saying......wait did I just call him sexy. Head out the gutter y/n! I don't even bother to look his way again and as the elevator stops, I just confidently strut out swaying my hips feeling his stare.

The Next Morning...
Rogers said to meet in the towers gym at 7am sharp so to just to spite him I'm heading down at 6. I groan and turn my alarm off, stumbling out of bed. I grab a pair of black leggings, a black sports bra and a black and blue tank top. I go into my bathroom and almost jump at my appearance in the mirror, I'm definitely not a morning person. I brush my teeth, wash my face, slipped on my clothes and tied my hair into a low pony. "Let's do this shit bitch!" you think.

I was in desperate need of coffee so I headed to the kitchen thinking nobody would be up. But as I walked in still groggy rubbing my eyes I'm greeted by a beautiful smile. Wanda was wide awake making breakfast and in a bubbly mood, "tf is wrong with this bitch". "Good Morning!" she chirps. I just stare at her. "Good morning my ass! Sometimes your positivity makes me physically sick Wan" I laugh. She chuckles and asks why I'm up so early. "Cause my training with America's favourite jock starts today! Heading down to the gym an hour early just to spite his stuck up ass." I explain. Causing her to chuckle once again. "Here sleeping beauty take your coffee to go" she hands me a travel cup. "I love you my beautiful morning bird" I praise. She smiles.

I finish making my coffee and Wanda makes me take a slice of toast too, so I grab it taking a bite as I walk away. "Farewell m'love!" I shout leaving and she shouts back "Have funnn!!!". I flip her off not even looking back and I hear her sweetly giggle again.

When I get down to the gym I'm already finished my toast and sipping on my coffee. I pass Maria on the way and smile greeting her. "Why all these people up so damn early" I think baffled. I push in the door of the gym and finish my coffee. I stretch out and start punching on the bags even though I hate the things, I can never hit them right my hands always bruise. An hour passes and I look down at my heavily bruised knuckles and groan.

"You have to use your whole body" a deep voice echoes through the gym causing me to jump.

1556 words
Thanks for reading again m'loves! I'm hoping you guys don't mind the tension build up. I just love a good slow burn!☺️ I really hope your enjoying this story. Love you all❤️🦋

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