Chapter 26

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After my encounter with Steve I went home and was angry for a while. I screamed in my room too let out all that anger instead of going out and murdering someone. But soon the anger turned to sadness and hurt. I couldn't believe he was here. That he cared enough to come here and also how he's ruined my life here now too. Yet I can't hate him for it at all.

I crawled into bed and cried myself to sleep. I felt pathetic. I loved my life and friends here but I miss New York. I want Wanda to hold me, Tony to make me laugh....and Steve to be mine again. I kept thinking that it wasn't that simple. But maybe it could be.....I drifted off with these thoughts spinning around my head. The last thing I thought of was him

I woke up the next morning to the feeling of someone stirring in the bed beside me. I opened one eye to look at my alarm clock that said 6:00 am. I huff and snuggle under my covers more.

"Morning sunshine" the person next to me chirped.

My Seattle friends have a tendency to climb into each other's beds when they're sad or have gone through something. It's a nice tradition but it was too early right now and I wasn't in the mood.

"Mer don't even try" I mumble without even turning to face her. I knew it was Meredith. Course it was her she's always the one to make people feel better.

"y/n he came here to Seattle for you, he's been searching for you and didn't stop until he found you!" she protests while lying on my pillow.

I turn to face her groggily.

"It's just....I love him. I really do" I start to explain but I can't find the right words. I snuggle back under my duvet for warmth. We lay face to face.

"Then what's the problem?" Meredith quizzes.

"He...he really hurt me and I don't want him to do it again" I admit sadly. That was the god honest truth.

"You think Derek didn't hurt me? He hurt me more times than I can count! But I love the idiot and chose to forgive him because he's my idiot" Meredith explains with a smile on her face talking about Derek making me smile. They were so in love. I laugh softly thinking of all the things I was told Derek did to Mer at the start of their relationship. He was a real dick.

Meredith sits up in my bed leaning against the headboard. "So your not gonna sit here and wallow in your own self pity! Your gonna go be the amazing person you are and save lives!" she exclaims with a smile. She jumps up from the bed and beckons for me to get out. I sit up still under my covers groaning and muttering curses. Hating the fact that she's right

Meredith turns to walk out the door to go get ready for work. She stops in the doorway and spins to face me. "You should use the opportunity that he's back" advises in a motherly tone. I bite my lip and nod nervously. Maybe there was a way this could all end up ok. So I got up and got ready for work. Still tired.

I drove me and Meredith and Alex to work in Meredith's car. As we pulled up to the hospital I see all our friends arriving at the same time. It's still early so the sun is rising. Making the car park golden everyone laughing and messing as we walk into work how we stay so positive with our job blows my mind.

Later that day....
It's lunch time and I've spent most of the morning in the ER with Doctor Hunt the head of trauma. There was a bus crash so it was a field day for trauma.

I was getting coffee at the machine when a feel a tall presence come up behind me. I turn and look up and see Mark Sloan. He's looking down at me with his signature boyish smirk. He was undeniably attractive just not my type. I think we could be good friends though. He's my type in that kinda way.

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