Chapter 25

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New York, Avengers Tower
I burst into Tony's lab and nearly give him a heart attack. He drops the screwdriver he was holding and starts to curse me out. But I have no time for his shit.

"Tony I found her" I cut him off.

He freezes and stares at me in disbelief. It's been months and we didn't have one lead to where y/n had gone. The only one who knew was Maximoff and there wasn't a hope of her giving it up. The second I heard the ambulance and shouting. It all fell into place. Derek. Course she would turn to him. I never thought of it and I feel so stupid for not putting it together sooner. I remembered her telling me Derek had gone to Seattle for his new job at this hospital.

"Well where is she Rogers?!" Tony asks.

"Seattle working in a hospital but I don't know which one" I admit and he rolls his eyes.

"Steve do you know how big Seattle is? How many hospitals there are!!" he shouts frustrated.

"Well that's the thing, we just have to find the one who recently employed one of the best neurologists in the world. Derek Shepard" I explain.

Tony stares for a second then smiles. y/n had called him a couple times but wouldn't tell him where she was because she knew he'd go drag her back home if he had too. Tony ran over to his laptop that was on the table open. He starts furiously typing. I walk over and stand behind him looking over his shoulder.

"Damn this guy is impressive" Tony compliments and I just stare at him unimpressed at his sentence.

Tony looks back at me. "Don't worry he's got nothing on you, your Captain America I don't understand how you could possibly be insecure!" he scolds me.

I roll my eyes at him. Being Captain America wasn't all it looked up to be. People just didn't understand.

"Seattle Grace Mercy West!!" Tony shouts jumping up and clapping his hands together. I take a deep breath. I've found her, I never actually thought about what I'd do if I did find her. Just always so hell bent on finding her. But I know I have to go get her. I have to go get the women I love before it's too late.

Seattle Grace Mercy West
It's been a day since the phone call with Steve and  y/n has done nothing but think about it. She could not get him off her mind. How sincere he sounded and how he begged her to come home. She had been off with the other residents and they could tell something was up cause Derek brought y/n a coffee this morning and they all keep showing her little random acts of affection and complimenting her.

y/n was filling out lab reports at one of the desks writing away while her head was spinning. Mark Sloan, the hospital's very own playboy has often tried to get y/n's attention but it seemed to go straight over her head. She literally never noticed and it was a blow to Marks confidence. Mark was Derek's best friend and had tried to warn him about y/n but Mark didn't listen.

(Mark Sloan)

(Mark Sloan)

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