Final Part

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5 years later...
It's been 5 years since I came home to New York, I know 5 years it's crazy right?!. I've kept in touch with my friends in Seattle and visit all the time. After a two years of coming back home and living in the tower, Steve proposed and of course I said yes.

We found a house we both fell in love with and decided it was time to start our own life outside of the tower. It's a quiet little place in the suburbs but we're still involved in the Avengers.

 It's a quiet little place in the suburbs but we're still involved in the Avengers

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We fell in love with the beautiful home instantly and did it all up to our styles. Being engaged and living in a home we now share we got onto the topic of kids.

We decided that we wanted children but wanted to wait until we were ready. But of course life had other plans for our poor unknowing souls......

4 months ago I peed on a stick in the toilet with Wanda and Natasha outside the door and it came back positive. We were shocked at first but quickly became over the moon, if you think about it there's no right time for anything. If it's suppose to happen it will and it did for us. I'm now 6 months pregnant.

Me and Steve's relationship has been a little rocky with my hormones and the fact that I'm still in the Avengers. I took myself out of the field at 4 months pregnant for my own safety and the babies.

But Steve would rather me just sit at home in a glass bubble. He's so nervous about being a good dad that he overthinks and worries. But he means well.

We decided on finding out the gender next week so we're both pretty excited for that.

Also big news I left out! 3 months after I came back to New York, Pepper and Tony announced that they were pregnant! Pepper had a rough pregnancy and we had to stop her from brutally murdering Tony more that once but now they have a beautiful almost 5 year old girl named Morgan. Who has all the men in the tower wrapped around her little finger.

Me and Steve mind her all the time for practice and my heart swells every time I see Steve playing with her. Once I walked into Morgan's room when we were all over for dinner and Thor, Tony and Steve were all at her tea party wearing tiaras and fairy wings. It was the most hilarious but cute thing ever.

Pulling up in our driveway I'm ripped out of my train of thought. I've been on a mission, not on the field of course but supervising from the helicarrier. Steve and I argued this morning about how he didn't want me to go but I went anyway. Sighing I turn off the engine and step out of the car onto the concrete.

My heels aching my feet and my back killing me. Being pregnant was beautiful but very exhausting.

I trudge to the side door that led to our kitchen. I see Steve inside making himself a cop of coffee. He looks so good in casual jeans and a white t-shirt. Stupid pregnancy hormones making me horny even when I'm mad at his stupid sexy over protective ass.

Making myself known I walk into the kitchen, Steve looks up from his coffee and I give him a soft smile.
He returns one continues to make his coffee.

"Hey listen about earlier I'm so sorry about fighting it was so stupid" I admit taking off my shoes.

"Did you go on the mission?" he asks while pouring the coffee into his special cup, I bought for him as a joke one time. It was like a Captain America fan cup.

"Yes Steve but I wasn't in the field" I reply flatly annoyed by his tone.

He roughly places the coffee pot down with a bang and finally turns to face me. His brows knitted together and a concerned look took over his face.

"Your six months pregnant y/n! You could still get hurt!" he snaps pointing an accusing finger at me.

"I'm careful Steve" I snap back trying to keep my cool, placing my hands behind my back because it was aching. He watches my moves and sighs.

"Your selfish, it's not just you anymore your carrying our baby. You have to think y/n" he scolds and my mouth snaps shut. I'm too tired for all of this.

"I can't do this right now" I say clearly trying not to cry and guilt washes over him. But I walk out of the room before he can say anything else. I need a nap.

Steve stands in the kitchen dipping his head and rubbing his temples, annoyed at himself now.

Later that day...
After a nice nap, I woke up at golden hour. The golden rays where shining through out beautiful silent home. I changed into a comfy white maternity dress and decided to go sit in the comfy rocking chair in the babies nursery. We have it done in all white, it's my new favourite room. I grab a notepad and start writing down the shopping list.

After about a half an hour I hear footsteps approach the door but don't look up. I can just feel Steve standing there looking at me. I give him a minute.

He crosses his arms and leans against the doorway.

"Come sit you idiot" I speak up.

He sighs before walking over slowly and sitting on the stool next to the wooden rocking chair. I can see by his body language that he wants to say something so I put my pen down giving him my full attention.

"I'm sorry ok, I just get so worried" Steve mutters looking up at me with guilty eyes.

I take a deep breath before talking, "Steve we've been together for almost 6 years now, I know you worry". He gives me a playfully scolding look. I hold my finger up to show I'm not finished talking. "But you also know that I would never put myself or the baby in danger".

He nods in agreement before saying "I know, I'm sorry", sincerity laced in his tone making me cave in and forgive his cute face. Knowing he means well.

I nod and smile. Then as if on cue, the baby starts kicking. Surprising me, I giggle and place a hand on my stomach lovingly. Steve notices my action.

I slightly wince but smile at the movement in my stomach, "oooh we definitely got a fighter here like mammy and daddy" I chuckle and Steve smiles.

"They kicking?" Steve asks raising a brow smiling.

"mhm feel" I respond, motioning my head towards my growing bump. Steve's eyes flicker down.

Steve moves his gaze from me to my stomach, love and affection fill those blue pools and my heart aches the love he has for this baby is already unconditional and there not even here yet. I smile at his cuteness.

Slowly he reaches out and places his large hand on the bump. His smile widening after every little kick.

"I love you so much" he says "both of you".

I place my hand on top of his. "We love you too".

He leans over and presses a gentle kiss to my lips.

Even though we fight and have had a tough past, one thing will always be certain the love we have for one another. Soon enough our love will be born and brought to life. I'm so excited for our life and journey to be good and joyful, I feel we've had enough sorrow and sadness. I'm grateful I was a cheeky little bitch and have Steve shit on missions all those years ago.

Because who knows where I'd be if I didn't....


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