Chapter 23

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Derek walked into the empty OR to find exactly who was looking for, his boss the Chief of Surgery Richard Webber. He was attempting to sew a button back onto a shirt. Derek stood in front of him.

"Your blocking my light" Webber says without even looking up at Derek.

Derek adjusts the light so he can sit in front of him without blocking the light. "I have a proposition" Derek spoke while moving the light then sitting.

Webber glanced up at him. "Which is?" edging Derek to continue what he was going to say. Derek nods.

"I know a girl who needed out from a situation so she's staying with me and Meredith." Derek explains causing Webber to look up at him. Derek noticed his boss was struggling with his button so took the needle off Webber taking over before speaking again.

"She's a trained trauma surgeon and a good one from what I've heard. I mean considering her last job you'll definitely think she's a good one too".

Webber was now intrigued. "What's her name?" he asks while watching Derek sewing the button on.

"y/n y/l/n, the avenger " Derek told him proudly.

Webber's head snapped up staring at Derek in pure disbelief. He had actually heard of y/n.

"Yup" Derek popped the p "While she was training in SHIELDS Academy she was also studying as a trauma surgeon just incase things went south on a mission." Derek continues to explain knowing he'd already won Webber over with the mention of y/n.

"Impressive. Bring in her resume" Webber told Derek, a smile slightly tugging his lips.

Derek nodded enthusiastically. "You won't regret it" he reassures his boss. Softly chuckling while sewing up Webber's shirt. He was delighted to be helping.

Meanwhile at the Avengers Tower....
New York City.
Wanda stood at the kitchen island making dinner as Vision sat on one of the stools watching her every move. Wanda could tell something was up with Vision but wanted him to tell her himself when he's ready. Vision stood up and started slowly pacing.

Wanda glanced up at him for a second before focusing on the food again as if she wasn't bothered.

"How have you been since y/n left?" Vision questioned nervously. Wanda exhaled frustratedly.

"I miss her but she's better off trust me Vision" she replied flatly. Hoping he wouldn't pry anymore.
He just gave her a quizzical look and she just knew the cogs where turning in his head trying to understand this humanly action. She smiled softly.

Wanda remembered that she promised she would give y/n a call the night after she left. Placing the ladle she was using to stir on the counter she looked up at Vision. "I actually have to give her a call, don't let this burn please" she motioned at the pot of food.
Wanda started to walk out of the kitchen but all of a sudden Vision was in front of her blocking her path.
Wanda looked up at him raising an eyebrow.

"You cannot with hold her whereabouts when there are people here who care Wanda" Vision snapped.

Shocked by his tone and words. Wanda had never seen Vision like this. She needed to defuse this.

"Vision, I'm protecting my friend" she spoke calmly.

"Captain Rogers is worried" Vision muttered looking at the floor, avoiding Wanda's piercing glare.

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