Chapter 31

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We decided to watch a movie but quickly got bored of it. Steve rummaged around the hotel room and found pens and notepads. I sat on the bed with a quizzical look. He tosses a pen and notebook to me and they land on the soft mattress in front of me.

"Portraits? You draw me and I draw you" Steve smiles and I laugh at his stupid idea but agree.

We both sketch each other, terribly may I add. Looking up every minute catching each other's eyes.

I look down at my drawing and giggle at how terrible it is, this makes Steve's head snap up raising a brow.

"Art is not my strong point" I chuckle.

"All I'm saying is you better not make me look ugly!" Steve replies jokingly before drawing once again.

I took my chance to examine his concentrated face, his blue eyes flickering from me to the page unaware of my staring, his nose and brows scrunched up I'm concentration and his tongue sticking out adorably.
I've never felt this kind of way towards anyone. This love is overwhelming and consuming. It's terrifying and exciting. I love him so much, so much it hurts.

He notices my staring and returns my loving gaze with the same affection. I blush slightly before returning to my disgraceful drawing cringing at it.

"Done!" I exclaim after a couple of minutes.

Steve smiles and tosses his pen aside before turning his around. It's actually quiet good. I was genuinely shocked at how it resembled me so much. He smiles at my reaction. I hold mine closer to my chest now embarrassed of how bad it was. I giggle to myself.

"Just show me I'm sure it's lovely" Steve tries.

"Nuh-uh" I retort laughing.

Steve stands up and jumps on top of me squishing me and my drawing underneath his huge frame. I squirm and chuckle while he yanks the page out of my ruthless grip, I'm surprised it didn't tear.

He flips it around and examines it before smiling like an idiot. "I love it sweetie! I say it was the best in your class, it's going on the fridge!" Steve teases me before laughing uncontrollably. I pretend to be mad but quickly fall on top of him in stitches laughing.

I couldn't tell you how long we laughed for.

After a while we calm down and I sit up from my position and straddle his waist. Smiling down at his beautiful face. He affectionally runs his hands up and down my sides. I lean down and peck his lips.

"We need to have a conversation and I think it might go better if I wasn't sitting on you like this" I tease before climbing off him and shuffling up to the top of the bed leaning against the bed frame. Steve stacks a pile of pillows at the end of the bed and lies on them.

We just gaze into each other's eyes for a little before I finally break the silence. "I love Seattle Steve".

He sighs and places his hand behind his head before replying "I know, so if it's what you really want we can stay here". I smile at his sweetness and effort.

"But I miss home. I miss the noise of Tony in his workshop at all hours and I miss Natasha and Clint dangerously wrestling in the living room" I smile.

Steve smiles too. A sad smile as he listens intently.
He looked at me with such love and made me feel alive. It made my body set on fire.

I compose myself by sighing before continuing.
"I miss.....god I miss sweet Wanda and her movie nights and snuggles". My voice cracks with pain.

Steve's demeanour changes and guilt,sadness and something else I can't read overtakes his expression.

"But most of all I missed you" I finish smiling with glassy eyes. I missed him more than I'll ever admit.

"I missed you more" Steve replies grinning. He closes his eyes and shakes his head slowly to himself.
I've missed the nice smell you'd always leave after being in a room" he goes on making me flush red.

"I've missed you bossing the boys in the tower around and I've missed you being my little teddy bear y/n" he admits almost embarrassed. I smile.

"Aw you big softie" I tease while tossing a pillow at him which he catches and throws on the floor.

He scrunches his nose and nods smiling up at me.

"Let's go home Steve" I say looking straight into his beautifully blue deep eyes. He holds my gaze.

I crawl down back onto his lap straddling him once again. I dip my head down and kiss him passionately and he kisses me back instantly. We both smile into the kiss and I rest my forehead on his giggling.

Steve places with the hem of his shirt that I was wearing and I trace his jawline with my finger tip. It was obvious he feels as strongly about me as I do him which makes me all mushy inside. I feel loved.

I'm ready to go home, I'm ready to leave my new beautiful family here and return to my real family. The people who've been my family when I had nothing. I'll always love my friends here and without a doubt always visit. But Seattle was a pit stop for me New York's my home. Always has and always will be.

930 words
Hey m'loves! I know it's been a while and I'm sorry this is so short. It's just this story is sadly coming to an end but I'm already planning my new story so! I'll try not to leave it so long until I update again. I love you all so frickin much!❤️🦋

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