Chapter 33

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Leaning against the railing on the ferry docks waiting for y/n to say goodbye to her friends here.

Looking out across the river I let myself think about a life I could have here. I would for y/n, I would do anything for her honestly. But she insists on going home and I can tell she misses our family at home. But even if she turned and decided she wanted to move to Paris I would. I would follow her anywhere. I let her slip out of my idiotic hands once and I won't do it again. I plan to spend the rest of my life making it up to her and showing y/n how much I love her.

As I think of the devil herself she pulls up on cue. Climbing out of the yellow cab with puffy red eyes which makes my heart physically ache in my chest.

I push off from the railing and head over to help her with her ridiculous amount of luggage. Admiring her beauty. Who looks that pretty when they're sad?

Her silk like hair was blowing elegantly in the wind as she smiled politely thanking the driver. Her smile makes my stomach flip. She looked comfy yet so fucking sexy, she was sexy without even trying. She wore a white jumper with an oversized denim jacket with black leggings and white runners. Goddess like.

I walk up behind her and she doesn't notice me at first so I patiently wait for her to finish paying the driver before wrapping my arms around her tiny frame. Nuzzling into her hair, vanilla filling my lungs making me smile. She always smells so damn good.

"Hey you" she giggles while closing her handbag.

The cab drives off and I grab her waist and spin her around to face me kissing her softly. I smile into the kiss releasing she's on her tippy toes and barley reaching. She looks up at me through thick beautiful lashes with those captivating eyes. Smiling at me.

"You ok?" I ask genuinely worried about how leaving was affecting her. I hate when she's sad.

"I will be once I'm home" she grins and pecks my chest before turning to pick up her luggage which I scoop up before her. She rolls her eyes at me.

"Steve I can carry my own things" y/n scolds folding her arms. Such an independent little brat.

I love it....

"I know you can but why should you when you have me to carry it eh?" I chuckle at her cuteness.

y/n takes a step towards me closing the gap between us. Pressing her small body against me. I look down at her with a warning look which she completely ignores. Tracing her delicate finger nails along my flexed biceps from carrying her bags. Her fingers glide along my chest and down my abdomen slowly making my breath hitch. I groan and she smirks knowing my hands are full so I can't react. Brat.

Her burning touch stops at my belt gripping it with her small hand and a heavy breath escapes my lips. My body completely betrays me when it comes to her and she knows it well. y/n leans up and whispers

"Your gentlemen ways are very attractive Captain Rogers" into my ear. Her soft voice sending chills down my body contrasting with her hot breath fanning on my neck. Sending my thoughts wild.

I feel my cock jump in my pants and I scoff at myself how I let her under my skin so easily. How she controls me so easily. It's actually concerning at this point. y/n sends me an evil smirk as if she can read my mind, which I wouldn't put past her by the way.

Then just like that y/n turns on her heels walking off to the ferry's ticket box. I roll my eyes and throw my head back taking a deep breath, trying to control the situation that little minx has caused in my pants.

"Come on luggage boy! Put that serum to use!" she shouts over her shoulder playfully and I laugh.

The ferry ride felt longer than it actually was. It was freezing so we went inside to the lounge area. Sitting on two of the chairs. y/n watched the river out the window before resting her head on my shoulder and dosing off, snuggling into me and eventually ending up tucked up on my lap like a little baby. But I didn't care I loved it. Stroking her soft hair as she slept was comforting and I felt the need to watch over her. Even though she's one of the most lethal people I know she looked so vulnerable as she slept soundly. 

We now sat in the back of a car Tony sent for us. Snuggled up into my side once again but very much awake looking out of the window at the city lights. New York was dark but alive as ever. She smiled at the honking horns and shouting, at the skyscrapers and buildings. Seeing her reaction I realised I've only been gone two weeks and I missed the city. I can't imagine how y/n felt, New York is our home.

The buildings started to become more familiar and the huge bright A towering over the city got closer and closer. The car slowed down to a stop and y/n jumped out of the car running into the building. The security guards jumped up and go to stop her but she slides and manoeuvres past them easily making me smile. She spins around and smiles at the guard.

"Agent y/l/n" one of the older guards piped up.

"Gary! I'm home bitches!" y/n shrieks giggling heading towards the lift. The driver offers to take up y/n's luggage so I follow her wanting to see the reunion. Passing the guards I give them all curt nods my exterior completely changing to how I am with    y/n. The effect she has on me isn't even funny.

The elevator takes us up to the living area, the main area of our team. None of them know she's coming back home. She wanted to surprise them all. y/n has a flare for the dramatics. The whole ride up she was bouncing on the balls of her heels clearly nervous.

I kiss her temple and give her a comforting smile.

She takes a deep breath as Friday announces the floor we're arriving on. The huge doors open up.

We walk out and turn the corner. Most of the team is there lounging on the couches, stools and counters.

Wanda and Vision are cuddled up on the couch facing us, Nat and Clint are sitting on the kitchen island while Sam and Rhodey sit on the island stools. Thor sits on one of the arm chairs making it look ridiculously small and Tony sits on the couch with Pepper, backs to us. I nervously clear my throat.

I can feel Steve's huge frame standing closely behind me like my protector. It's comforting and relaxing.

Wanda is the first to notice me, she freezes and her eyes tear up. She jumps to her feet running over to he making everyone's heads turn. All I hear are gasps and Wanda's screams. I run up and meet her half way pulling her into a tight embrace. God I've missed her so much. She starts to cry into my hair and I squeeze her tighter. Her sobs muffled.

"I've missed you so much y/n/n" she whispers.

"I've missed you too Wan. So fucking much" I reply.

After a minute or two we pull away and I see the rest of the team has gathered around lining up for there hugs making me smile. Tony grabbed me and lifted me up spinning around making me giggle. He puts me down and grabs the sides of my face.

"Bout time you came back home" he smiles. Pepper pulls him off me saying "hey my turn". I smile and hug her now crying. She pulls away holding me at arms length smiling "We've really missed you".

I nod before getting pulled into a hug by Clint and Natasha. I chuckle as the both squish me. "Guysss" I pretend to complain but I love it. I missed them so much. Clint let's me go but Nat doesn't. She starts kissing all over my face making me fake gag. But I hug her tightly once again before she lets me go.

I hug Rhodey and Sam kissing there cheeks. They scold me about leaving saying there was nobody to keep all the men in check which makes me laugh.

Vision stands last and I smile at his awkwardness. I pull him into a hug which he responds slowly.

"I have missed you very much y/n" he says making me smile. Vision was still getting used to social skills "I've missed you too Vis" I let him go smiling.

I turn to face all the smiling faces looking at me.

"I'm back" I shout clapping my hands "drinks?!".

Steve rolls his eyes smiling but everyone else's screams in agreement. It's good to be back.....

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