Chapter 4

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I walk into Wanda's room with some snacks I grabbed from the kitchen. I softly knock on her door and walk in. Then I see her sitting on the edge of her bed, legs crossed tucked under her and red puffy eyes. She has been crying. I put the snacks on the dresser. "Hey hey, what's wrong? Is it Pietro?" I ask.
She nods wiping her tears away "mmhm sorry I just miss him so much" she sniffles. My heart breaks for my best friend. She's been through so much she didn't deserve. She pats the spot on the bed beside her and I sit down copying her tucking my legs.

I push her loose strand of hair back while saying "Don't ever apologise for missing your twin brother you lost Wan, just know I'm always here." She nods and sadly smiles "He would have loved you". My stomach drops and my eyes glass over. "I'm sure I would have loved him too Wan". From what I heard Pietro was amazing. He was all Wanda had until she met the Avengers. He was her everything but he sadly lost his life bravely saving Clint and a little boy in Sokovia. He was a hero in my books. I never had a brother or siblings so couldn't possibly understand how she's feeling but I do try. For Wanda I try.

Wanda wipes her tears again before smiling and looking at me "So tell me about your training with Steve today to take my mind off things". I sigh and tell her everything, about how he's being so confusing and how I feel, about how he's charming one minute then cold and distant the next and how I hate him for his behaviour. I didn't leave anything out because the woman can read minds even though she's not supposed to read mine I know she does.

She sits like a kid on Christmas listening to my story nodding and humming along as I speak. I finally finish and she just grins. "What's so funny?" I ask confused to why she was smiling. "He's got the hots for you honey" she giggles. I'm baffled. "No he doesn't he hates me! You wouldn't treat someone you like, like that. Besides I hate him too, very much so" I explain. She just keeps smiling smugly at me.
"It's a fine line y/n" she teases. I grab a pillow and bash her over the head with it and she shrieks giggling. We both fall into the fits of giggles.

Wanda sits up and grabs the remote "What sitcom we watching tonight my love?" she quizzes. I think about it for a minute and respond "ooo Greg and Dharma I love that one! Such good vibes!" "Greg's not to bad on the eyes as well" she adds cheekily. I nod in agreement smiling. "But he's no Steve Rogers though" she mumbles. "Hey! I heard that you bitch!" I shout. "I also heard you agreeing in your mind" Wanda smirks. "You so did not cause your not allowed read my mind" I scold. She chuckles.

She puts on Greg and Dharma and we both pan out on the bed comfortably. We laugh at the funny parts and "awww" at the wholesome scenes. "See why can't men be like Greg?!" I exclaim while taking a bite of a cookie. "Like look how he swoons over Dharma! He would do anything for her and he knew she was the one the second he met her! He didn't drag her along like a kitten chasing a string and he wasn't a threatened or a dickhead because she's such a powerful bitch! He loves her for like Greg just don't exist" I rant and Wanda just stares at me concerned. "I was being hypothetical" I mutter taking another bite of my cookie. She nods clearly showing she was clearly unconvinced.

Eventually Wanda drifted off to sleep and I was ready to, Wanda who was sprawled across the bed was now curled into a little cute ball. I smile and pull the covers over her then switch off the tv and lamps.
I leave her room and head towards mine. I see a large figure coming against me in the hallway. As I gets closer I see it's....fucking Rogers. Great

He looked sweaty and pissed was he in the gym the whole time? As we pass we mutter hellos to each other. He walked a few steps before turning and calling my name. I turned around to look at him. He had this look in his eyes I couldn't read. I raise my brow at him. "Goodnight y/n" he said, his voice almost a whisper. I looked at him and saw he was being sincere. "Goodnight Steve" I reply before walking into my room as calmly as I could. I've never called him his actual name before....strange.

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