Chapter 2: Arriving at Rivendell and Meeting Someone New

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*Elvish talk is underlined*

*Elvish talk is underlined*

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As Asteria and Gandalf made it to Imladris with haste; they were greeted in the courtyard by Lindir who was Lord Elrond's right hand "Ah, Lady of Starlight, Mithrandir

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As Asteria and Gandalf made it to Imladris with haste; they were greeted in the courtyard by Lindir who was Lord Elrond's right hand "Ah, Lady of Starlight, Mithrandir. Welcome" He greeted them as they both got off their horse as Gandalf spoke up in elvish "Lindir, where is my Lord Elrond?" he asked looking around as Asteria took in view of the grand city, it's been years since she's been to Rivendell. She use to play with Arwen and her brothers at a young age; she has not been back since. Before Lindir could answer, a voice called our from the stairs by them "Ask and you shall receive Mithrandir" the voice belong to Lord Elrond himself; walking down the stairs in his regal robes as usual greeting both of them "My dear Asteria, it warms my heart to see you" he greeted her as he kissed her forehead, they were family after all. Asteria was beloved by Elrond and his family and she knew she was always welcomed in Rivendell if she so chose to reside "My Lord Elrond, You sent for me?" She asked inquisitively.

Lord Elrond smiled at young woman as he nodded "Yes, the hobbit; Frodo needs more healing. Arwen and I did what we could but he is still weak and sick. I need your help my dear." Asteria felt the darkness over Rivendell, something lurks in the shadows as she looked around then to Elrond "Take me to him." She looked back at Gandalf with a smile "I will see you soon, yes?" The wizard smiled and nodded at her as she moved to follow Elrond to one of the chambers where the hobbit named Frodo was resting in. He was small as if a child; dark curly hair with pale skin. He looked sick still as she moved to take a seat next to him; placing a hand on his forehead "He's weak..." she said in a whisper as she placed both her hands on his head gently; almost caressing his forehead as she mumbled a spell in Sindarin as her hands glowed lightly as if bathed in starlight. In a few moments, Frodo's pale skin had gotten color and the sweat on his brow faded. In a short moment, a evil presence pushed Asteria from her trance; knocking her back as Elrond quickly grabbed her from falling "My lady..." he whispered in concern.

"I'm alright my lord... There's an evil presence surrounding him..." she said as she was catching her breath harshly. Elrond knew he couldn't fool her "Yes, the little one has the one ring..." he said as he moved to open Frodo's shirt; revealing the ring on a chain around his neck. Asteria quickly stood up and backed up away from the bed "You knew? And you had me come here?" she was afraid of the Ring. She did not know what affect the ring would have on her. She clasped her hands in front of her to her chest with a terrified look "My lady, you have a pure and strong heart. This is why I called you here. Not just for Frodo but for the fellowship. I need you to join this fellowship, I do not know the other hearts that may join but I know yours is strong and true." Lord Elrond said as he walked towards her taking her hands in his. Asteria looked at Frodo who was sleeping soundly now; his breathing and color were normal again as she looked back at Elrond "I understand. I wish to take a walk in the gardens if you don't mind. I miss seeing them" Elrond smiles at her; reminding him when she was younger she would run and explore the gardens as he simply nods to her; watching her leave the room.

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