Chapter 26: Sweet Farewells

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Short chapter! I stayed up a bit to post this! I will be adding a Epilogue tomorrow!

It was time for the Grey Havens; Asteria was in disarray as her mother and father as well as Gandalf were leaving

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It was time for the Grey Havens; Asteria was in disarray as her mother and father as well as Gandalf were leaving. Arwen cried because of her father leaving but they knew it had to be done; she stayed behind with Aragorn in Minas Tirith; Legolas stayed back with them, he offered to go with Asteria but she declined and he respected it. The time of the Elves were over and in so Celeborn, Elrond and Galadriel were leaving for the Grey Havens along with Gandalf and Bilbo. Asteria stood by the boat with her parents as tears filled her eyes; Galadriel couldn't help but smile at her pulling her into a hug "I will miss you mother...and all your wisdom" Galadriel chuckles a bit as she pulled away from her daughter taking her face in her hands "You; my dear, have your own wisdom and will have it for many years to come.. my time is over and so is your father's..." she said softly and gracefully as tears formed in Asteria's eyes.

Gandalf turns towards them and Asteria "Farewell my brave Hobbits and my dear Asteria

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Gandalf turns towards them and Asteria "Farewell my brave Hobbits and my dear Asteria." He smiles. They look at him with tears in their eyes. "My work is now finished. Here at last, on the shores of the sea, comes the end of our Fellowship" Merry and Pippin are crying as they held tightly on Asteria's hands who had tears forming in her eyes of her own. " I will not say do not weep for not all tears are an evil." He looks to Asteria as he placed a hand on her cheek "You will have a rich life my dear, live it.. everyday..." Asteria smiled as she leaned into his hand nodding "I will my friend..." He walks towards the ship. Frodo is watching him; he stops and turns towards them. "It is time Frodo"

Asteria looks down sadly; she knew Frodo would have to go as well which broke her heart; the other hobbits looked at Frodo in confusion "What does he mean?" Sam asked as Frodo sighed "We set out to save the Shire Sam.. and it has been saved but... not for me..." he said sadly as Sam started to tear up "You don't mean that... You can't leave" Frodo looks away, as he brings up a book and hands it to Sam who regretfully takes it "The last pages are for you Sam" Frodo said softly as Sam cried. Merry is crying, Frodo hugs him. He hugs Pippin who is also crying. He turns away from them towards Sam who is also crying and pulls him into a hug.

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