Chapter 20: Healing Hearts... The Fall of Faramir

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*Long chapter ahead! The gif below pretend it's Asteria and Faramir*

*Long chapter ahead! The gif below pretend it's Asteria and Faramir*

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As the night carried on, Asteria found herself on a balcony surrounded by the structure of Gondor, a fountain could be heard behind her as she closed her eyes; deep in her thoughts as her heart yearned to see Legolas "I miss you my love..." she said softly as steps could be heard behind her. She turned and saw Faramir with his arms clasped behind his back; a smile streamed on his face "I did not mean to disturb you my lady.." He said softly as he drew near. She gave him a kind smile "You did not my lord. I am in my own thoughts" She turned back looking over towards Mordor; watching the fire sky light up and seeing the Nazgul flying overhead.

Faramir made his way and took a place next to her sighing "I wanted to thank you" he said softly as she looked at him and in turn him looking at her "For helping me and my men, it was brave of you" referring to when she defended them from the Nazg...

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Faramir made his way and took a place next to her sighing "I wanted to thank you" he said softly as she looked at him and in turn him looking at her "For helping me and my men, it was brave of you" referring to when she defended them from the Nazgul as she nodded "I would have done what anyone else had done if they had the power to" She could see Faramir's eyes were filled with a feeling that she was familiar but with Legolas as she turned away taking a deep breath. "It's very rare you see a maiden fighting, let alone an elf maiden" he said as he turned away towards the fountain; putting a hand in the water.

Asteria turned looking at him "You must not have seen many elves then..." She chuckled lightly as he laughed himself staring at the water. She could sense the turmoil in his heart "You miss him... Boromir..." The name snapped him out of his thoughts at he looked at her sadly giving her a small nod. "You fought with him I hear... You were part of the fellowship" he said as he walked back towards her as she nods to him "Yes, he fought with honor. If it wasn't for him, I'm afraid myself and two little hobbits would have perished" her eyes looked down sadly as she took a deep breath "I did not see him pass... Me and my two companions were taken... I was told when I rejoined with Mithrandir"

Faramir stopped in front of her; lifting a hand to her face as he made her look at him "My lady.. your eyes carry so much grief, how can I ease your heart?" She smiled at him as she pulled away from his touch; his eyes were full of longing as she shook her head slightly at him "I cannot give you what you seek. I cannot give you love that were to replace your father's misuse of love..." she said sadly as he stepped back a bit "It's because I am a man, is it not?"

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