Chapter 3: Council Meeting and New Friends

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*Underline are still Elvish, Asteria mentally speaking will be in bold font*

*Underline are still Elvish, Asteria mentally speaking will be in bold font*

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*What she wears to the council meeting*

Weeks passed as the day of the council has come; Asteria greeted the sun happily, she flourished in sunlight and starlight. She opened the doors to her balcony and sighed happily. The darkness she felt weeks ago seemed far away. Perhaps Lord Elrond was right, maybe her heart was pure and strong to withstand the evil of the ring. She knew the meeting would start soon as she quickly bathed and got dressed. Arwen brought her a beautiful silver-grey dress; the sleeves hung on her shoulders elegantly. She wore her circlet and necklace with pride as she braided her hair to the side.

As she finished her hair, a small knock could be heard "Enter.." She called out as she finished and turned to see Legolas standing in her doorway with a smile. She returned the smile as she stood up "I see you decided to come and fetch me for the meeting?" she said laughing lightly as Legolas stepped into her room laughing with her "It would be proper of a prince to escort a princess; is it not?" He questioned as he stood about a foot away from her, looking down at her; taking in her morning beauty. He turned and put his arm out for her to take just like their walk last night. She smiled as she chuckled lightly; taking his arm "I suppose so princeling."

They made their way to when the council was being held; Lord Elrond sees her and smiles as she broke from Legolas's arm walking over to Elrond; him taking her arms "I am glad you would join us my dear. Please be seated with Aragorn and Legolas since you are acquainted with them" he said gesturing to the chair that was empty between the two. She nodded as Elrond walked her to the chair, all eyes were on them. Those that do not have an idea of who she is; see an elf maiden of beauty beyond measure. Her dark hair was braided beautifully to shape her face. Her dress was that of starlight itself in color as her beautiful eyes were of the earth and starry skies. Everyone that was eager and impatient found themselves relaxed and calm as she unknowingly enchanted the audience.

Legolas stood up putting a hand out to her as she reached for it from Lord Elrond's grasp as he kissed the back of her hand bowing to her. She took her seat between Legolas and Aragorn as she caught Frodo who was two seats down staring at her; she noticed and get him a nod with a charming smile. "Asteria, it's wonderful to see that you decided to join us." Gandalf spoke to her in elvish as she nodded and replied "I promised I would be here." Gandalf nodded and chuckled lightly as he patted the back of Frodo gently.

Seated in a circle are all the representatives of Middle Earth as Lord Elrond stands to greet and speak "Strangers from distant lands, friends of old. You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate, this one doom." He looks at them all including Asteria and settles on Frodo "Bring forth the Ring, Frodo." Frodo steps forward and moves towards the stone plinth. He places the ring on the plinth and returns to his seat. The Ring- a golden, rich circle- is placed on the center with a heavy thud that seemed to weigh on the member's hearts and minds heavily. Whispers can be heard at the sight of it.

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