Chapter 14: The Funeral... Traveling to Helm's Deep

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It was not a sunny day, Theodred; the son of Théoden's body was brought to be buried in the burial mounds outside of the city gates. He is brought by six royal guards and is followed by Théoden, Aragorn, Gandalf, Legolas, Asteria and Gimli with the people of Edoras behind them. Tears were shed as Asteria sees so much sadness and heartbreak in the people's eyes. Legolas sensed her own sadness and took her hand gently giving her reassurance. She looked to him and smile nodding at him. Eowyn was already at the burial site waiting with other women at his tomb. At his tomb, his body slowly passed the women as Eowyn started to sing:

Bealocwealm hafað fréone frecan forth onsended (An evil death has set forth the noble warrior)

giedd sculon singan gléomenn sorgiende (A song shall sing sorrowing minstrels)

on Meduselde þæt he ma no wære (in Meduseld that he is no more)

his dryhtne dyrest and mæga deorost. (to his lord dearest and kinsmen most beloved.)

Bealo... (An evil death)

As she finished; Theodred's body is passed into the tomb and the doors shut behind him. Gandalf, Asteria; upon Gandalf's request, stood by the tomb with Théoden. The tombs were covered in a beautiful white flower that spread clear across the tombs "Simbelmyne. Ever has it grown on the tombs of my fore-bearers" Théoden said as he turns to Asteria and Gandalf "Now it shall cover the grave of my son. Alas that these evil days should be mine. The young perish and the old linger. That I should see the last days of my house" Théoden finished.

Asteria stepped forward "My lord, your son's death; was not by your hands

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Asteria stepped forward "My lord, your son's death; was not by your hands. You must not take fault to this" her voice was calm and serene as Théoden took solace in her words "You spoke to me... When I was in the dark... It was you who saved me from forever darkness" He said softly as she nodding slightly to him; Théoden smiled a little as he continued "I only wish I knew you sooner, maybe my son would have still be alive. I am grateful for you, my lady.."

Asteria bowed slightly as she turned away; Théoden spoke to Gandalf for a few moments before he fell to his knees crying. Asteria's heart broke for him; no parent should have to bury their child, her thoughts traveled to her own parents, if something happened to her; they would be devastated being the only child since her sister past long ago. Gandalf spoke after a few moments "He was strong in life. His spirit will find its way to the halls of your fathers." Gandalf and Asteria go to leave Théoden in peace as they stop and saw in the distance to see a horse coming over the hill; on that horse were two children, one collapsing from exhaustion as he fell to the ground off the horse.

As they returned to the Golden Hall, the children were eating almost to the point as if they were on the brink of starvation as Eowyn sits with them. Asteria stood by Gimli and Legolas with her arms crossed; her minds plagued many things, but one thing was for sure; Saruman's hands were in this. "They had no warning. They were unarmed. Now the Wild Men are moving through the Westfold, burning as they go. Rick, cot and tree." Eowyn said looking at Gandalf and the rest. Asteria looked at the children in sadness as the little spoke up "Where's mama?" Eowyn hushed her as she wrapped a blanket around her.

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