Chapter 4: Before the journey begins..

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*Short Chapter alert. Filler chapter. Remember the timeline! Technically they have been in Rivendell for about 2-3 months now*

Asteria walked through the gardens during the night, the stars filled the sky brightly and illuminated the grounds beautiful

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Asteria walked through the gardens during the night, the stars filled the sky brightly and illuminated the grounds beautiful. Fireflies came out to play among the lake she stood by and the flowers surrounding it. She stayed in her thoughts that settled on home; Lothlorien. She missed her home and her parents. She was broken out of her thoughts as she could hear small footsteps behind her, she turned gracefully and saw the 4 hobbits come towards her being led by Frodo. "Hello Lady Asteria" he spoke almost chipper. She smiled at his demeanor "Please Frodo, Asteria is just fine." She hated formalities if it's not necessary. She noticed the three hobbits she has yet to meet "Now who may I ask are going to be my brave companions on this journey?" she asked kindly she smiled at them.

"I'm Sam" the blonde hobbit spoke up following behind the other light hair hobbit "I'm Merry and this is Pippin" he gestures to the darker haired hobbit. She couldn't help but giggle at them, they were almost like children "It's wonderful to meet you." After a while, Asteria took a seat under the flowering tree by the lake with the hobbits surrounding her, they spoke of the Shire; their home and different aspects of it. She listened eagerly; watching the hope and innocence the hobbits carry. She then could hear light footsteps and smiled to herself; she knew it was Legolas as he came into view watching the spectacle with a smile on his face "Hello my Lord Legolas.." She said softly, not speaking in Elvish because of the hobbits which he understood. He bowed slightly "My lady. My fellow companions" he motioned to the hobbits which made them feel special as they stood up.

Frodo spoke up for them "Well, I think it's time to sleep. It's late. We shall see you in the morning Asteria." He said softly bowing with the other's following suit as they moved to leave; waving goodbye to her and Legolas. She smiled at them as she moved to stand; Legolas quickly put a hand out for her to reach as she took it kindly "Thank you.." She straightened her dress; dusting the grass and dirt off of it as Legolas spoke "I see the hobbits have taking a liking to you." He said smiling at her.

Asteria smiled and lightly laughed at the thought "Yes. They are sweet and so innocent for the way the world is." She replied back as she looked at the lake they were by. Legolas nodded as he took his place next to her "They are innocent but their hearts are strong my lady." He retorted as she hummed in agreement. "I am surprised you are not sleeping yet my lord. You must have really wanted to speak with me." She said jesting him as he laughed a bit as she turned to him smiling at her. "You scared me from before with Boromir. I do not doubt your heart, I do not want to see you hurt. I do not think Aragorn or Lord Elrond would want that either." His voice filled with some concern but was caring as well. She smiled at him as she placed a hand on his cheek which caused his eyes to widened a bit at her touch. Her hand was gentle and warm; it put him in a trance almost as she stared at her. "Legolas, I am a lot stronger than you think. I am sorry if I scared you and the others." She said softly.

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