Chapter 7: Drums in the deep... Losing a loved one

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*Very long chapter ahead*

The fellowship pass under an arched doorway in to a black and empty space. Asteria felt herself get weaker as Legolas held onto her arm as they walked together. Aragorn once in a while would look back at the two; with a gentle smile but a concerned look as he could see Asteria was struggling as they go deeper. Legolas would always give him a reassuring smile; showing he has her. "Let me risk a little more light." Gandalf said as he tapped his staff on the ground; as for a brief moment a light blazes like a silent flash of lighting, great shadows spring up and flee "Behold! The great realm and dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf!" they all gasp as the brief sighting of a vast roof, far above their heads, upheld by many mighty pillars hewn of stone. Before them stretch a grand and mighty hall that was empty, with black walls, polished and smooth as glass.

Asteria stared in awe as she stood next to Legolas who was in awe as well as Sam broke the silence "Well, there's an eye opener no mistake." Ahead of them, a wooden door has been smashed. Black arrows are embedded in the timers. Two goblin skeletons lie in the doorway as Gimli rushed ahead of them "GIMLI!" shouted Gandalf. Gimli rushed into another vast empty chamber with others in tow. It was lit with a narrow shaft of sunlight, beaming in from a small hole near the roof. Dwarf and goblin skeletons are piled high. IN the far corner sits a stone wall well. A shaft of light falls directly onto a stone that was in the middle of the room; Asteria moved over to be close to the light which helped her regain her strength which Legolas and Gandalf noticed.

In the middle of the room; a single oblong block, about 4 feet high, topped with a great slab of white stone. Gimli falls to his knees in shock "No.... oh, no!" He sobs holding his face. Asteria moves over to Gimli kneeling next to him to comfort him. She met Balin when she was visiting Rivendell. She did not care of the feud between the Elves and Dwarves which was something he enjoyed about her even as a young elf. Gandalf quietly reads an inscription on the runes, carved into the white stone slab "Here lies Balin, son of Fudin, Lord of Moria." He is dead then. It's as I had feared"

"We must move on, we cannot linger" Legolas whispered to Aragorn as Asteria turned her head to look at him as her eyes filled with dread, as if something hides deep in the mines

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"We must move on, we cannot linger" Legolas whispered to Aragorn as Asteria turned her head to look at him as her eyes filled with dread, as if something hides deep in the mines. She sensed his worry, his panic. Gandalf hands his staff and hat as he carefully lifts the rotting remains of a book from a skeleton of a dwarf. It had been slashed and stabbed and appears to be covered in dried blood. The pages crack and break as he opens it to read "They have taken the bridge and the second hall: we have barred the gates..." Asteria moves to stand up as her eyes widened as her and the others listen to Gandalf continued "but cannot hold them for long... we cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark. Will no one save us? They are coming."

Unnerved, Pippin backs away nervously... He sees a corpse sitting on the stone well. Curiously, he reaches out and carefully touches the arrow that was sticking out. The arrowhead breaks off from the rest, cause first the skull to fall. Drawing attention from the others, Asteria quickly drew her sword looking around realizing it was Pippin. Gandalf turned as well to see as the body, the chain and bucket go over the side of the well fall down, it's noise echoes from hall to hall. Pippin winces at each new wave of noise. Then there was silence. The fellowship began to relax but Asteria and Legolas still stayed on guard. All that was heard after was Gandalf slamming the book shut "Fool of a Took! Throw yourself next time and rid of your stupidity!" he says as he grabs his staff and hat from him.

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