Chapter 21: Grond - The Hammer of the Underworld... Reunion

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Nightfall came over Minas Tirith as the orcs still attempted to breech the walls. The trolls all pull a rope each which suspends Grond on its scaffolding. They pull the battering ram back as the orcs continue to chant. It is released and crashes hard into the gate which shudders with the impact. "Guard the gate!" Asteria shots as she continued to fight; she sees Gandalf heading to the gate shouting himself "Back to the gate! Hurry!" Archers following Gandalf rush to defend the gate. Grond is released a second time as the gate shudders again.

The battering ram continued to hit the gate as the soldiers, Asteria and Gandalf all gather close to the gate "Steady! Steady!" Gandalf shouted; Asteria could see how scared the men were as she took her sword in hand and jumped on a piece of rubbl...

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The battering ram continued to hit the gate as the soldiers, Asteria and Gandalf all gather close to the gate "Steady! Steady!" Gandalf shouted; Asteria could see how scared the men were as she took her sword in hand and jumped on a piece of rubble which rose her up a little higher "You are soldiers of Gondor. No matter what comes through that gate you will stand your ground!" she shouted as Grond hit the gate once more and this time it bursts open and in charges cave trolls brandishing huge maces.

Gandalf looks around to the archers "VOLLEY! FIRE!" he shouted as the archers fired into the Trolls and the infantry lower their spears in defense

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Gandalf looks around to the archers "VOLLEY! FIRE!" he shouted as the archers fired into the Trolls and the infantry lower their spears in defense. Orcs advance on them and there is fierce hand-to-hand fighting. The Trolls follow up swinging their maces from side to side sweeping aside all opposition. Asteria was making quick work of one troll as she took her sword in one hand and her long dagger in the other slashing at a troll that was near her, missing the swings of the mace in the process before taking it down.

The Nazgul circle low over the CITY, like vultures seeking doomed men's flesh. soldiers are plucked into the air by shrieking Nazgul and dropped to their deaths hundreds of feet below. Towers and buildings are destroyed. Chaos as soldiers, women and children dodge falling masonry. Fireballs continued to rain down on Minas Tirth as Gandalf shouted "Retreat! The city is breached. Fall back to the second level. Get the women and children out. Get them out. Retreat!" He rode Shadowfax through the city as his eyes laid on Asteria; who was continuing to defend the city "Asteria! Retreat to the second level!" She looked to him and nodded as she shouted the same command to the rest of the soldiers near her.

She met up with Gandalf; she was dirty and bloody; her braid was no long a braid and her white tunic was no longer it's bright color but dingy "Gandalf if we don't get help soon; the city will fall..." she said almost out of breath. Before he could speak, Pippin came running up "Asteria! Gandalf! Denethor has lost his mind. He's burning Faramir alive!" Gandalf looked at Asteria as she spoke "Go.. Take him with you! I will do what I can here my friend" He nodded as she helped Pippin get on Shadowfax.

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