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*The picture above is what i am using for their child in this. I figured a little boy that looks like Legolas would be perfect and instead of blue he has brown-blue eyes like Asteria.*

"Gildor!" a call beamed through the gardens of Lothlorien as Asteria ran through looking around

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"Gildor!" a call beamed through the gardens of Lothlorien as Asteria ran through looking around. A few years have passed as Legolas and Asteria decided to make their home in Lothlorien with the few elves that decided to stay there. A few years after that, they had a son who looked the spitting image of Legolas but with his mother's beautiful brown-blue eyes. They named him Gildor which means 'one who is the creator of joy or happiness' and he brought joy and happiness into their lives. He was an energetic child who kept Asteria on her toes as his father would go on hunts with Aragorn at times. At this moment, the two were playing hide and seek which Gildor was very good at. He looked about the age of 6 for an elf but was growing at a fast rate. The fresh fallen snow was beautiful around this time of year, it was one of Gildor's favorite seasons.

They were playing in the snow as well as playing hide and seek "Gildor, you have been hiding for quite some time.. Your father is to return soon!" she said out of breath as she looked through flower bushes. Asteria gained a small amount of an aged look. She looked regal as ever just like her mother. She could hear giggle in a large greenery bush near a wall of moon flowers as she slowly crept up the bush and in a flash a small snowball came flying at her with her son shouting "BOO!" which caused Asteria to jump slightly "I got you mother!" Gildor shouted giggling as Asteria smiled picking him up and twirling with him "You did my love" she said softly as she put him down and adjusted his clothing dusting the snow off of him and then adjusted his crown which matched Legolas's "Your father will be home soon; shall we greet them?" Gildor quickly nodded as he ran off towards the Caras Galadhon foyer giggling as usual.

Asteria followed slowly behind smiling at her dear son; wishing her mother, father and Haldir were here to see him and how much like her he was as a child. So full of wonder and curiosity and he wanted to be like his mother and father in every way possible. As she made it up the stairs to the foyer; she could hear Gildor giggling as she sees Legolas holding his son, tickling him as the child happily laughed and smiled even bigger seeing his mother. He was let down as he ran to Asteria shouting "Father's home! Father's home! Uncle Aragorn is here too!" he said hugging his mother's leg as Legolas made his way to his wife.

His eyes were full of love as the first day they ever met; he moved and placed a hand on her cheek, gently rubbing it "Hello my love.." she said softly as she leaned into his hand a bit. He couldn't help but smile at her as he leaned into and kissed her gently with Gildor making sounds causing them to laugh "I should be getting hugs and kisses!" the child shouted as Legolas laughed swooping him up. Aragorn watched and laughed the family from a few feet as Asteria moved away from her two loves and moved to hug Aragorn "It's good to see you again. We must make a trip to Minas Tirith I wish to see Arwen and Eldarion" Eldarion was Aragorn and Arwen's son, in a way he was close in age to Gildor and carried the blood of the Dúnedain like his father "We would like that. Eldarion has been asking for Gildor and you know those two. They won't stop asking" he replied as Legolas came up to them laughing "Well you are right about that my friend. He's already asked" he chimed in as Asteria laughed.

"Well then I guess we shall make a trip won't we?" she said as Gildor reached for his mother's arms which she gladly scooped him up in them. He was a loving child and was turning out to be quite the marksman like his father with a bow and arrow. "I want to show Eldarion my new bow and arrow Papa gave me!" the little elfling shouted as Asteria moved to put him down. "Alright my love, we will go in a few days. Me and your Papa have some things we need to take care of before we go"

They saw Aragorn off on that brisk winter morning; the moon flowers were covered in snow, not to open for a couple more weeks once winter has passed. Seasons changed quickly in Lothlorien and it grows beautiful every year. As they made their way back to the Caras Galadhon foyer; Gildor was running head as Legolas and Asteria were hand in hand walking "It seems the few orcs that survived are in hiding. We dispatched a few close to Lothlorien" he said softly so Gildor doesn't hear as Asteria looked at him with worry "They won't come here right?" she looked at Gildor ahead of them as they reached the foyer. Legolas quickly took Asteria's hands in his giving her a kind smile "Do not fear my love. The power of the Ring is gone.. these few orcs are nothing. You are safe. Gildor is safe. I would die before I let anything happen to you both" He said placing a hand on her cheek and gave her a loving smile which she returned happily.

"I must tell you something.... Something wonderful..." she said softly leaning into his hand; she had a faint blush upon her cheeks, Legolas could not figure if it was the cold or not as he looked at her curiously "Something wonderful happened in the few days I left? Pray tell what may that be?" he jested her as she laughed, oh how her laughed fill his heart up so much "We will have another pair of small feet running around..." she said softly as Legolas's eyes widened and laughed as he swooped her up bridal style and started spinning her around "That is wonderful news my love!" he said with such depth of happiness as he held her in his arms.

Gildor who was close to them ran up and hugged his father's leg "What is wonderful news Papa?" he said softly tugging on his father's tunic. Legolas laughed as he placed Asteria down who in turn kneeled to Gildor "You are going to have a brother or sister soon my love.." she said smiling at his as she watched the child's eyes light up "I want a sister!" the little elfling declared which caused Legolas and Asteria to laugh as she stood back up holding Gildor's hand "We shall see my love. Shall we go and visit Eldarion?" she said softly as Gildor nodded running off to his room "I want to bring my new bow Mama!" he shouted.

Asteria stood in the middle of the foyer in almost a trance of happiness as Legolas wrapped his arms around her "You are happy..." he said softly in the crook of her neck as she smiled big at him nodding "I am.. I just wish they were here to see this happiness" she said softly as he pulled her into a tight embrace "They are here.. right along with us." He said as he kissed her forehead "Before we go to Minas Tirth, we should visit my father. I want to tell him the news. You know how much he adores Gildor" he said softly which earned a smile from Asteria "Just imagine his face when he finds out there will be another calling him grandfather" she replied which earned a laugh from Legolas.

The two stood in the foyer; clasping each other's hands as Legolas rubbed the ring with the elven leaf on her hand as Asteria placed a hand on her necklace that still hung around his neck "I love you Legolas; as I live and breathe" she said softly which caused his features to soften more than normal. He moved closer to her clasping her face in his hands; gently kissing her which caused her to smile "I love you Asteria. I love to see your eyes shine when you laugh."

After a few months; Asteria bore another child and to Gildor's happiness, it was a girl. A beautiful elfling that had same dark hair and eyes like her mother. She was born during the twilight and in turn they named her Tinuviel meaning daughter of twilight. She grew up as beautiful as her mother.

Couldn't find a picture so screw it i am using this lol.

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1563 words

And the story is complete! Thanks for reading! I will be working on finishing the Thor story!

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