Chapter 24: Waking up... The Return of the King...

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Asteria opened her eyes slowly; as she looked around to her surroundings

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Asteria opened her eyes slowly; as she looked around to her surroundings. She was lying in a familiar room; she saw that she was home; in Lothlorien. She sat up slowly as she placed a hand on her side; she noticed she was bandaged up and then she remembered that she was hurt severely by the troll protecting Aragorn. The moonlight shone through her room as she noticed a figure on the balcony; long golden locks flowing as her breath hitched. She slowly got up as the figure turned around; it was her mother, Galadriel who gave her a warm smile.

 She slowly got up as the figure turned around; it was her mother, Galadriel who gave her a warm smile

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Asteria's eyes watered as she quickly made her way into her mother's arms. Galadriel who was ecstatic her daughter was awake; welcomed her into her arms, petting her hair gently "Oh my darling daughter... I am so glad you are awake" she said softly as Asteria looked up at her "Mother..." tears threatened her eyes as Galadriel placed a hand softly on her daughter's cheek "You have been sleeping for some time.." Asteria's face scrunched up as her eyes widened a bit "The battle... Was it won?" Galadriel smiled nodding at her "It is destroyed.. You have been sleeping for 3 days, lifeless like the dead"

Asteria pulled away as tears threatened her eyes again "Are they alive.... Is Legolas..." Galadriel smiled at her "They are all alive... You did well my dear... Soon Aragorn will be crown king. You must go to Minas Tirith. I am afraid the fellowship does not think you are alive. Arwen is already on her way there. We will go with you" she says softly as she took the hand that Asteria wore the ring that Legolas gave her "You have someone waiting" she said with a knowing smile. Asteria looked at her smiling back "We wanted to tell you when it was over..." she said almost ashamed as her mother shook her head "You do not need to be ashamed my love. I want nothing but your happiness. Now go, get ready to leave" Asteria smiled as she left her mother's arms quickly changing into a dress.

Time Skip To Minas Tirith

Sweeping over the Minas Tirith walls, racing towards the top of the city through a blizzard of white flower petals, the beautiful city of Minas Tirith is restored; it gleams white in the bright sun. In the Court of Kings, crowded with thousands of people; cramming into the wide path that lead to the tower hall. The crown of Gondor glints in the brilliant sunshine as Gandalf places the crown on Aragorn's head "Now come the days of the King..." he says proudly as Aragorn smiles up at Gandalf "May they be blessed" he said softly.

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