Chapter 18: Fool of a Took... To Minas Tirith

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*Sauron talking in this chapter will be in bold, italic and underlined. So like this...*

Asteria finally fell asleep after the festivities; she slept in the same area as Gandalf and the rest, she say it fitting seeing how they were a company; a fellowship. Asteria shifted in her sleep uncomfortably, as if she was having a dream. She was startled out of her sleep by Merry yelling "Pippin!" She woke from her sleep seeing Pippin holding the Palantir in his hands; writhing in pain. Without thinking, she got up and ran to Pippin taking the Palantir out of his hands as it started to hurt her; her screams could be heard through the halls as she heard a voice she never wished to hear "Asteria... I see you Lady of far you are from your home...coming to your death, it does not have to be so.. you could join me.." Asteria could see the eye of Sauron beamed on her; "No, I will not..." said as her vision then showed her the fellowship all dead including Legolas "If you won't join me, this is your future foolish she elf. You cannot stop me"

Merry called for Gandalf to help as Legolas and Aragorn stepped in to the room with Gimli; Legolas eyes widened as he moved to remove the Palantir but Aragorn grabbed it before Legolas could as he struggled briefly with it and drops it on the floor. It rolls away as Merry dodges it as it rolls further. Gandalf runs after the Palantir and throws a blanket on it "Fool off a Took!" he yells but when he looks Pippin is lying still with his eyes open; almost dead like. He runs to Pippins side, shoving Merry out of the way. He holds Pippin's hand, puts his other hand on his forehead and closes his eyes. He mutters something inaudible under his breath and moves his hand to Pippin's cheek. Pippin jumps, gasps and wakes up.

As Gandalf interrogates him about what he saw, Legolas is holding Asteria; trying to comfort her as she was crying and tried to get away from Legolas and Aragorn frightened with tears in her eyes almost as if she was still in her trance "Asteria; ...

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As Gandalf interrogates him about what he saw, Legolas is holding Asteria; trying to comfort her as she was crying and tried to get away from Legolas and Aragorn frightened with tears in her eyes almost as if she was still in her trance "Asteria; be still. It's me..." his voice broke her out of her scare as she took deep breaths looking around; her eyes were a bright blue color, not their normal beautiful brown blue color. "Pippin.." she said weakly as she laid eyes on the little hobbit who was now alert "He's alright now... We are worried about you now.." Aragorn said placing a hand on her forehead with a concerned look on her face.

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