Chapter 8: Home... Healing

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*What she wears after she is healed in Lothlorien; and they spend about 30 days in Lothlorien*

The hobbits were exhausted and hurting, Boromir and Gimli moved them along as best as they can while Aragorn leaded the front and Legolas carrying Asteria

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The hobbits were exhausted and hurting, Boromir and Gimli moved them along as best as they can while Aragorn leaded the front and Legolas carrying Asteria. They arrived by Silverlode which was a stream rising in the eastern Misty Mountains near the exit from Moria. They took a break so Legolas could tend to Asteria; she was burning up and weak. She was slipping in and out of unconsciousness as Legolas took a piece of his tunic dipping it into the stream to dab her head. "Why do I not feel like this?" he questioned, their fëa would force them to suffer together; all he feels is a pain in his heart, it has not dampened his strength at all. Maybe poison from Mordor doesn't work that way.

"Legolas, I would... not want you to share this burden.." Asteria responded very weakly. Legolas continued to dampen her head as Gimli would help him clean her wound and change her bandage that would be soaked in blood. She was bleeding too much and they needed to get to Lothlorien as fast as they can. Aragorn came over with a flask of water as he moved to give it to Asteria; he had to help her drink; he felt her skin was hot. "We have to keep going Legolas. If we have hope to get her back to Lothlorien in time" Aragorn spoke directly to Legolas as the elf caressed his beloveds face. The others watched in horror as they wish to not part with their 10th member who they come to adore.

Boromir who has been worried himself would offer to help but would be declined by Legolas harshly; not to his own fault but Boromir doesn't understand how an elves bond works. "If you allow it, so you can rest a bit, I can carry her." Boromir said as he placed hand on Legolas's shoulder which he replied cold "I do not need your help."Boromir moved his hand quickly; they have never seen Legolas like this. Aragorn stepped in this time speaking to Legolas "Let us help brother.. He just wants to help. Allow it for a little while to regain your own strength." He pleaded with the elf as Legolas looked at him then Boromir and nodded. "Just be careful with her please..." Legolas was tired for once; he wasn't hurting like her but he felt drained. It was starting to get to him; physically and emotionally which would explain why he's been so cold.

Boromir handed Gimli his shield; so, he wasn't as weighed down as he bent down to pick up Asteria bridal style. She was like a little sister he wish he had "I'll take care of her. I know what she means to you." He said softly to Legolas as the elf gave him a nod before kissing her forehead and walking away with Aragorn. "Don't worry little sister, you'll feel better soon once you're home" Boromir whispered softly as he followed the two with ease.

After a while as they got closer to Lothlorien, Boromir gave Asteria back to Legolas; the elf was grateful to have help in the fellowship. As they passed the Nimorodel river, Asteria was still passed out; breathing roughly and still weak. It broke Legolas's heart watching her. He could hear Gimli speaking as they were crossing into the woods "Stay close young Hobbits! They say there's a great sorceress lives in these woods. An Elf-witch of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell"

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