Chapter 16: Battle of Helm's Deep... The Loss of a Friend

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This chapter is dedicated to @KatiaSpn who has  read every chapter of this book and still looks for more. It's so nice to see dedication in reading my stories! Thank you so much for the support!

Remember elven is underlined! Long Chapter ahead!

"You could have picked a better spot" Gimli grumbled standing between Asteria and Legolas

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"You could have picked a better spot" Gimli grumbled standing between Asteria and Legolas. It was nightfall and all able fighters were ready. They wait for the Uruk-Hai to appear as Haldir and his army of Elves were posted in their positions ready to fight. Asteria looked around and could see the scared young boys that were forced to fight, her heart ached for them as Gimli's words broke her out of her trance "Well lad, whatever luck you live by, let's hope it lasts the night" Gimli said to Aragorn as he nodded at him as Legolas and Asteria looked at him with their bows in hand "Your friends are with you Aragorn" Legolas said as it started to thunder over them; there's a call for rain. "Let's hope they last the night" Gimli spoke again earning a sad smile from Asteria.

As Asteria and Aragorn shouted orders to draw bows, the Uruk-Hai marched and drew closer; after a few flashes of lightning, it started to rain. The Uruks stopped just before the wall as Asteria shouted to the army of elves "Draw bows and hold! Show them no mercy! For you shall receive none!" All the elves drew their bows and held their positions as Gimli was trying to look over the wall "What's happening out there?" he questioned as Legolas looked at him "Shall I describe it to you? Or would you like me to find you a box?" Legolas asked at Gimli started to laugh and Asteria joining in a bit.

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Legolas looked at Asteria with eyes of deep longing and love; they didn't have to speak; they knew that they were telling each other to be careful. The Uruk-Hai started to shout and bang their spears to the ground in a taunting manner; it continued until an older civilian let loose an arrow hitting any orc in the neck; killing him. "Hold!" Aragorn shouted. The rest of the Uruk-Hai get angry at their fallen comrade and begin to shout and charge the wall. The battle has begun. "Prepare to fire!" Asteria shouted as all the elves including her and Legolas notched arrows and began to aim as Legolas shouted "Their armor is weak at the neck and beneath the arm!"

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