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You ended up going back to sleep after all the boys left the room. But soon after you were being moved, still asleep and half-clothed under the sheet.

"Boss. Are you sure we should move her just to feed her?" Hikaru asks. Tamaki nods. "Yes! She obviously means a lot to our Haruhi so she must be taken care of!" Kaoru helps roll the bed. "Okay true. But don't you think it would've been easier to bring the food to her?" Tamaki shakes his head. "Honey-Senpai set up a table of sweets for her, so I don't think we should ruin his fun." Both twins nod. Usually Mori or Kyoya would be around to stop this, but they were busy tending to some things. They get you to the room where the food would be. "Alright gentlemen! Now help me with the table!" Tamaki requests The twins follow him to another room, leaving you there.

Meanwhile, Kyoya allows guests inside the club room. They all come and see you sleeping there in the bed and gasp in surprise. "Is that a girl?""Why does she look so hurt?" "Did the hosts do this to her?" "Is this a theme?" Were just a few among the many questions spoken through the air. Everyone chatted on their phones and more people flooded the room, some being guys. Your body was still hidden as you slept peacefully. Then Kyoya and Mori return to see the big bed you were in. "Oh dear." Kyoya huffs. "Dude is she naked?" One boy questions, laughing. "I don't know bro! Move the sheet and look!" one of his friends dares.

The first boy grabs one handful of the sheet and prepares to lift it. He's stopped by a hand bigger than his securing the area around you. He looks up and comes face to face with a stone faced Mori. "U-Uh.." he stutters. "No." Mori says, hovering over you from the side of the bed. The guy slowly backs away, intimidated.

The chatter finally awoke you and you blink your eyes open, becoming confused. "Mm.." you hum as you wake up. Mori looks down at you with softer eyes than he'd had before. "Don't be afraid." he tells you. You see all the people surrounding you. "Uh.. what's happening?" you whisper. He glances up and sees Tamaki and the twins returning. "Cover yourself and play along. I'll get you out of here." he says. You tuck the sheet around you, sort of like a towel. Suddenly, Mori's hand cups your cheek, making you flinch slightly but soon relax. "U-Um." Mori speaks a bit louder so everyone would hear. "Sleeping Beauty. You've been awakened. Let me whisk you away from the chaos." His face was dangerously close to yours and all the girls in the room swooned. Your eyes went wide and your face burning hot. "Ah! A sleeping beauty theme!" A girl squeals. You glance at her and then back at Mori. "Y-Yes my prince.." you say, playing along like he'd told you to. He slides his arm under your knees and the other around your back, still allowing room for you to keep yourself covered. You did that with one arm and held around his neck with the other.

He carries you away and as he does, Haruhi returns and follows with a confused expression. "Um. Mori-Senpai. What are you doing with Y/n?" He doesn't look at her and focuses on you. "Tamaki." Haruhi doesn't understand so you explain. "I w-woke up in a room full of people. I don't know how.." She nods. "I'm sorry I took so long!" she apologizes as Mori sets you down.

He bows and leaves you alone with Haruhi, who hands you clothes. "Wanna explain while you get dressed?" You nod and step into the changing room. "Lets just say that since what happened, I've been being mistreated and I've been held captive for the last month. Luckily, I was able to knock him out with sleeping pills." She leans her head on the wall. "And I'm guessing he's been doing this to you?" she asks, referring to your bruises and cuts. You get the dress on. "Yes.." She pulls out her phone. "I'm going to call my dad and see what we can do. Be right back, okay?" You hum. "Mhm. Okay." She walks off but just a second later, you hear her yell. "YOU WERE ALL LISTENING?!" You'd been looking in the mirror but quickly rush out to look for her.

"Haruhi?!" You find her looking at all the boys. "Haruhi there you are. Are you okay? What's wrong?" She glances at you. "They were all listening!" You raise your eyebrows. "Oh? I'm not sure what to say about that.." you say, rubbing your neck. Haruhi crosses her arms. "That was a private conversation!" You hold her shoulder. "It's okay! They were only curious." She grumbles. "Yeah well curiousity killed the cat." Tamaki gasps. "Haruhi! Is that a threat?!" She squints at him. "No. A promise." He hides behind Kyoya. Someone takes your hand. You look over and down. It was Honey. "We're really sorry! We were just curious about what happened to you!" You nod. "I understand. Don't worry." Hikaru switches the topic. "By the way, it was all Tamaki's fault that you ended up in front of all those people."

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