The End

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Mori instantly releases the rope and swims after you. You were screaming and trying to fight against what had you, but you couldn't see since the water was so dark.

But you feel Mori's arms wrap around you. He fought against the force with you until you were free and swam back up to the surface to the rope. He had to cough a bit but yelled to the others. "Pull us up!" They all worked together to pull you up and then helped you over the railing.

Your knees felt weak and you collapsed onto the floor. As you choked and wheezed, you clung onto Mori for dear life. He stroked your head and rubbed your back. "Okay. You're okay now. It's okay." He didn't let you go until you went quiet and were breathing again.

Once you were alright, he looked into your eyes. "We have extra clothes on board and some towels. Do you wanna go get changed now?" You nod and let him help you to your feet. Haruhi was about to take your hand but you pull away. "I want to go with Takashi." you whisper. She decided to let you have what you wanted, no questions asked.

He took you to a room in the ship and brought you the clothes. "Don't you need to change too?" you ask. He remembers that he was wet. "I suppose so. I'll find some clothes while you change." You were in the process of getting dressed again by the time he came back. He'd changed while he was away. You put your shirt on and he sits on the bed with you.

"I am so sorry..." he says, holding your hand. "I'll do anything to make it up to you." he promises. You lay on his shoulder and stroke his fingers. "Anything?" He hums. "Mhm." You reconsider your request but decide to ask anyway. "Then kiss me and ask me to be your girlfriend." You raise your head to meet his eyes. He starts nodding as he leans in and gives you a sweet kiss. "Done.." He kisses your forehead. "And done." You couldn't help but smile. "You have to tell the boys too." you say, giggling as you open the room door. He takes it from you and, with a gentle touch to your lower back, leads you to walk out first. "Anything for you, sweetheart."

By the time you two returned to the others, both of you seemed to be in your own little paradise together. "I know that look. That's the look of love! What's going on with you two?!" Tamaki questions. Your grin shrinks when you hear his voice and instead of responding, you hold onto Mori's arm and wait for him to do the talking.

He glances at you and then looks at all the boys. "Y/n and I are dating. And what you all suspected of last night was true. Tease me all you want about it, but leave her alone." They all nodded. Mori sounded very serious, more than usual, and his adoration for you could be seen in his eyes. "Aw.. am I gonna third wheel?" Honey whines. You laugh. "Don't worry, Honey. We'll have mercy."

Haruhi places a hand on your shoulder, making you shift your gaze. You saw her looking guilty. "Y/n.. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have talked so badly about you. We're family. I just got really upset and stressed. I hope you can forgive me." You sigh. "Come here you idiot." She smiles and accepts your hug as you smush your cheeks to hers. "You know I could never stay mad at you~"

When you turn, the other boys were giving you puppy eyes. "We're sorry too!" they squeak. Kyoya nods. "I'm terribly sorry for treating you so poorly. No one deserves that." You tap your foot. "You guys don't get the family pass.." You sigh. "But I suppose I can let this go.. I can think up a few things I don't like about you either so I'll forgive you all.." Cheers go around.

Mori finds his arms back around you as the whole group sits and waits for the boat driver to navigate back to the beach.

Days later, the event was almost over. Every host had to pick a winning contestant. Their prize would be either a date or a kiss on the cheek, host's decision. You ofcourse chose Takashi and he got both rewards given the fact that he's your boyfriend.

Later down the line in the host club, you expected there to be jealousy issues with guests or maybe even your own jealousy. However, guests adored your relationship with Takashi. They watched the two of you lounge together and had joyful conversation with you. There were times when either you or Mori would interact with other guests, but you'd agreed that it was okay and made sure to prioritize each other. That way, everything went smoothly.

Fast forward some time to your third year. Half of the club had graduated but they ended up taking your suggestion and making a business out of the club. There were replacement members at the school too.

After Mori graduated though, he had to go away for physical training in martial arts and other things. Lucky for you, he got to visit often and still payed you a lot of attention.

You lived with Ranka and Haruhi until graduation but parted ways after to move in with Takashi. Things had worked out for everyone and you all lived happy, healthy lives.

You and Takashi did eventually marry and have two children together. All the original host club members were also apart of your big happy family.

The Female Host (OHSHC x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now