Lobelia Ladies

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You look up at who was holding you. A tall girl, wearing fancy looking beach wear. She had chin length brown hair.

"Uh.. yes. That's me.." She spins you around and dips you down. Her face was fairly close to yours. "Why, you're a pretty one, aren't you?" she says, caressing your cheek with a finger. You weren't sure what was going on. "Um.. Thank you?" She smiles small. "Oh you're very welcome, dear. But don't you think you should be at a finer establishment, such as ours?" You didn't understand. "I'm sorry?" She clears her throat. "My apologies. We should introduce ourselves." Her two girls line up at her sides. They put on this entire intro in front of you.

The ladies of Lobelia.

Haruhi had told you about them. Anyways, once again, you were pulled apart from the hosts and Lady Benibara had dipped you down. She caresses your cheek. "You should attend our academy instead. A woman of such beauty deserves better than these lowly men." Suzuran took your arm and Hinagiku took your leg, examining you like you were a scientific specimen. "Such a sweet scent!" Suzuran chirps. "And skin as smooth as a baby's!" Hinagiku beams. Tamaki tries to step in. "Get your hands off our princ—!"

He gets decked in his head by Lady Benibara and cowers backward to the other hosts. "She hit me! That hurt!" Haruhi chuckles. "Deja Vu, hm?"

You politely remove yourself from their grasp as you hear all their fan girls making noise. "I'm very flattered.." you say, but the noise overpowered you. Lady Benibara calms her fans. "Please, quieter. We'd like to hear this beauty speak." They still chatter, but quieter. You scratch your head. "I'm very flattered, thank you. But I think we should get started on our day's events. I'm sure we'll have plenty of talking time later on!" Suzuran was surprised. "You're actually interested in this madness?" You smile at her. "It isn't madness! It's meeting new people!" Hinagiku smiles a little. "Such a bright character!" Benibara nods. "Alright, then. As you wish, my lady. But we must chat later on! I can't wait to get you away from these fools!" You nod. "Hey! Watch what you say. One of these so called fools is Haruhi, my cousin, and the others are my friends!" She nods. "Ofcourse Haruhi is the acception. Can't be too sure about the others, though." You shrug and giggle. "Fair enough!"

Mori didn't like how the girls looked at you, but decided not to take action this time, and instead wondered why that was exactly what he wanted to do.

Tamaki breaks you away from them. "Ahem! If we have no other interruptions, let's begin!"

Let's take a time skip about three days. It wasn't as fun as you thought. It was pretty much the normal host club, except on the beach. You talked to tons of people daily but never got to do anything. And Tamaki had somehow managed to keep to Lobelia girls away from you most of the time. You were very displeased.

Currently, you were talking to a boy. "I'm sorry if I'm boring you, Y/n." You perk up a little. "Oh no! I'm sorry. It's just.." You sigh. "This event hasn't been much fun for me. It feels as though all I've been doing is speed dating on the beach." He nods. "I get it. Maybe.." He looks around. "We could sneak off and have fun together. I'm the last one in your line today!" You hesitate. "I'm not so sure. I wouldn't want to cause trouble." He smiles. "That's why it's called sneaking! It'll be fine!" He puts out his hand. You take it and run off with him.

On the way, you get stopped and were sure you'd been caught. But no. It was just a few Lobelia fans. "We're here to escort miss Y/n to lady Benibara!" The guy pouts. "But I had her first!" The fans hold out some money to him. "This'll cure your pain." one says and drags you away. You manage to keep up with them. •Why does everyone walk so fast?•

Eventually you make it to a part on the beach where Benibara and the other two were waiting with some fans. They'd been participating in hopes to socialize with you but were getting impatient with Tamaki's meddling. "Ah! She's here. Now we can begin our own plan." The fans practically carry you around as Benibara, Suzuran, and Hinagiku start their spiel. Long story short, they were trying to convince you to join them at Lobelia and become a member of the Zuka club. They told you some things that you already knew, like that Haruhi refused their offer.

It wasn't long before the hosts found you. "Y/N! There you are!" You jump and spill some of the juice you were given on your shirt. "Ah!— Tamaki! You scared me!" Hikaru crosses his arms. "You scared us!" Kaoru nods. "We've been looking all around for you!" Mori nods too. "We were very concerned, Y/n." You meet his eyes for a second but then Honey makes a fuss. "Very, Very concerned!" Kyoya agreed. "Indeed. You just disappeared." Haruhi hugs you. "But I'm glad you're safe."

Tamaki was angry at the Zuka Club. "Is she?! She was with these snakes!" You sigh. "Tamaki, be nice. They aren't snakes. I snuck off with a boy and then ended up with them." Mori raises a brow. "A boy?" You nod, not picking up on the jealous hint in his tone. "Yes. I haven't been enjoying this event and he suggested we sneak off and have fun. But then the Lobelia fans brought me here."

Benibara stands next to you. "And she's had much more fun with us." Tamaki glares at her. "You're trying to take her the same way you wanted to take Haruhi, aren't you? Well that won't be happening!" he insists. He looks at you. "And you will be having much more fun because we have more activities starting tomorrow!" Your eyes light up. "Really? Yay! I'm so excited! But you aren't mad at me are you? I'm my defense, that boy said he was last in my line!" Kyoya points at a girl you hadn't noticed. "No, actually, he wasn't. This girl was." You gasp. "Really? Oh no! I'm really sorry, I didn't know!" She nods. "It's okay. I just wish we could've talked." You felt terrible. "Can she be my first guest tomorrow for whatever activity?!" Kyoya nods. "That can be arranged." You squeal. "Yay!"

Tamaki was still holding a glaring contest with Last Benibara. "And you! Don't touch our princess!" "She belongs to no one but herself!" Benibara snaps back. She looks at you. "Don't let this fool talk for you. Ever." "That's not what I meant!" Tamaki yells.
He grabs you and pulls you to the side of the hosts.

Benibara decks him again and he falls to the floor, where the twins check on him. "Speak when you're spoken to ding-a-ling! And don't yank her." she yells at him. You gasp. "No! No! It's true though! I shouldn't have abandoned my club just to have fun with yours!" Benibara has a thought. "Are you the real ruler of this club?"

You did keep the boys under control a lot.

"How did you know?" She looks at your shirt. "The quality of your top." You look at it, putting your hands over your chest as a force of habit. "Do you love it?" She nods and smiles. "I love it." Suzuran appears and takes your hand. "I am here if you need to talk." Hinagiku takes your other. "I am here if you need to talk." Benibara joins them. "I am here you need to talk." You put your hands over the middle of your chest. "I am here if you need to talk!" you beam, getting excited about the unity.

But then, you're lifted and thrown over someone's shoulder. It was Mori ofcourse. "We're going now." he tells you and walks off, leading the other hosts. You wave back at the girls. "Bye ladies! Cya later!" They were soon out of sight and you rest on your hand, though you were still hanging over Mori's shoulder. "They're a little pushy but still kind of cool!"

Mori silently worries about whether you could actually be convinced to switch schools.

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