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It was a cellphone. "Oh no this really isn't necessary!" you say, trying to give it back to him. He gently pushes your hand back to you. "I insist. We have plenty of them." You hesitate but knew he wouldn't change his mind. "Thank you. You're very kind." He gives you a small smile.

His maid returns. "Her room is ready and I've also run her a bath." Mori nods. "Y/n, you can go freshen up. Miss Ito, she's requested some Ramen for dinner." The maid nods. "Yes, ofcourse." She gets on it.

You stand there, not sure how to find your room. Mori takes your hand. "Our rooms are this way." With a slight blush on your cheeks, you let him lead you by hand to where you'd be staying. The room looked really nice. "I'll let you know when your dinner is ready." he says. You nod. "Okay. Thank You."

Half an hour later, you were sat on the bed, all cleaned up and waiting for Mori. Soon his maid arrives. "Miss Y/n. Your dinner is ready." You look up. •Oh. I thought he'd come and get me.• On your way to the dining room, the maid speaks. "Morinosuke decided he'd get himself cleaned up and meet you in the dining room." You nod. "Oh okay." She sits you down in front of your food. "I hope you'll enjoy it." You give her a slight head nod and start eating. Soon you were almost completely finished and Mori joins you. "It looks like you enjoyed your meal." You were starting to get more comfortable around him. "It was delicious. I'll sleep like a baby." He nods. "I'm glad you think so." Ito comes and collects your dishes. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. I've put some more pillows in your room." You stand up. "Thank you so much." She smiles at you and hurries to tend to her duties.

You turn to Mori. "Goodnight Mori. Thanks for everything." He nods as he sits to eat his dinner. "It's no problem, really. I'll send a uniform to your room by morning. Sleep well." You go off back to your room and settle into end. That night was one of the best nights of sleep you'd gotten in a while.

Rise and shine the next day, Mori wakes you up gently. "Morning Sleeping Beauty." Your cheeks flush. "Morning my prince hehe." you joke back. He stands up straight. "I just came to wake you for school. Your uniform is on the bed. I'll meet you downstairs." You wave him goodbye. "Okay!"

An hour later, Mori was holding your door open so you could exit the car. "Do you know where you need to go?" Mori asks. You think. "Hm.. I remember Haruhi saying she'd meet me in the front office. Not sure where that is though." He nods. "Come with me, I'll show you."

You follow him through all the students and watch's several girls fawn over him. He notices you lagging behind him a little and grabs your hand. "Stay close to me. I don't want you getting lost." People point at and chatter about you. Honey appears and somehow teleports to Mori's shoulders. "Mori! Oh? And Y/n! Hi!" You wave up at him with your free hand. "Hi Honey!" Honey notices your other hand in Mori's. "Hm... So where are we headed?!" he asks, tapping on Mori's head. "I'm taking Y/n to meet Haruhi in the office." You get a message on your phone. Haruhi's number was on it when Mori gave it to you. It was her.


Your eyes widen. You knew who she meant. Your Dad.

You tug back from Mori's hold and he stops walking. "Hm? What is it?" He notices you were shaking and fully turns to face you. "Y/n? Is something wrong?" Honey cocks his head. "Why are you shaking like that?" You show them your phone. "Who's he?" Honey asks. "I'm assuming it's her father." Mori says, searching for your confirmation, which you give with a speedy nod. "He's gonna murder me!" you worry. Then the three of you hear a booming voice coming from down the hallway.


Without even thinking about it, you hide behind Mori. "Sir, you have to get off of the school grounds. We've already contacted the authorities." a staff member tells him.

Mori feels your tight grip on the back of his shirt and looks at you over his shoulder. You were trembling and were obviously terrified. "No one is going to hurt you, Y/n." he insists. You look up at him but couldn't manage any words.

Your dad looked everywhere for you, even the girls bathroom. "Sir you can't go—" "SHUT IT!" You hear girls shrieking as he searched the stalls for you. He came out just as you peeked your head out from behind Mori. His eyes lock onto you and he charges his way over. Quickly, Mori gets Honey off of him and prepares to defend you.

Your dad reaches to grab your arm but Mori pushes you back and out of the way, then knees him in the stomach and kicks his back in. Once your dad was down, Mori applies pressure with his foot on the mans shoulder blade as he pulls his arm upwards, causing more pain as he adds more pressure. He was stuck, like a mouse in a mouse trap.

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