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You ask a few questions and a few points are awarded.

At the moment, Dai was in the lead, then came Mori, then Lady Benibara and everyone else. Mori didn't like the way Dai acted so casually. Like he wasn't at all thinking about the answers to your questions.

"This is worth two points! When is my birthday and how old am I?" you ask. Mori instantly knew it and writes it down. They flip their boards. Most people had the wrong birth date but they all knew your age.

Mori got both parts right. "BM/BD/BY, 16 years old. [Insert Zodiac] [Insert time of birth]." His answer read.

You squeal. "Omg Mori yes! Can I give extra points for that?!" you ask Tamaki. He nods. "Sure! You're the boss!" You cheer. "Yay! Two bonus points for Mori for a total of four more points!" He smiles small as you joyfully mark his points, pushing him to tie with Dai.

"Okay next! Everyone will get a point this round but the cutest answer gets three points and the second cutest answer gets two!"  Tensions rise as you begin to ask the question. "What's something I do that you find cute? Add details please!" They all start writing while you wait. The other 6 random contestants give simple answers. Lady Benibara's girls both say something about your skin.

Lady Benibara says, "The way your cheeks warm at my touch and you lose your ability to speak because you're so flustered." You giggle. "Good answer! Dai?" He seemed a little nervous. "Don't be shy!" you say, encouraging him. He shows you his board as he explains.

"When you're really excited about something you're talking about.." His cheeks redden. "You have this huge smile and your voice gets higher. And then when you ask me something, you listen really closely and ask questions like you're super interested." You gasp. "Aww! That was so cute! Thank you! Okay next! Mori?"

Mori turns his board. "There are many things you do that I find cute. My favorites would have to be that when you get excited, you smile really big and bounce around. But if I put my hand on your head to get you to stop, I can still feel you trying to bounce. And then you'll look up at me, still smiling while you go on and ramble, squealing a few times,  and your hands will be balled into fists while you shake them around. Like happy stims. And there's this thing you do once you finish talking and are ready to listen. You'll lick your lips then bite the bottom one while you keep smiling."

Your jaw had dropped by the time he was finished. He hadn't looked at you at all while he was explaining but your heart still melted at the thought that he noticed all that. "Aww Mori! My heart~" You hold your cheeks. "That was so sweet! You pay that much attention to me?" He shrugs. "I guess I do. We spend a lot of time together so I pick up on some things." You were smiling uncontrollably. "Ah! Okay! Three points for Mori, Two for Dai, One for everyone else!"

Mori was happy he was in the lead. But he was still feeling off. Was the only reason he wanted to win because he didn't want you to have to kiss people you barely know? Or did he want to win for himself? He wasn't sure. And it was driving him crazy.

After a few more questions, the game was over. Mori was first, Dai was second, Benibara third, and so on.

Before Mori could claim his prize, Kyoya makes quite the unexpected announcement.

"There has been a change."

Everybody looks at him. "A change?" Tamaki questions, not having been notified about this. Kyoya nods and adjusts his glasses. "The second place winner will get the first date, for tonight. The first place winner will get the second date, tomorrow. The third date will be the day after. Then the other eight will be throughout two days." You were lost. "Not saying I don't want to go on another date with Dai, but why doesn't Mori get the 'better' prize?" Kyoya keeps explaining. "I wasn't done. The kiss for first place still stands." You nod. "Ah so the date switch is just so the rewards are closer in value but Mori's is still better because of the kiss on my cheek?"

Kyoya continues. "Ah Ah Ah. The kiss will now be on your lips." Your eyes widen and you could swear you were stood in the middle of the sun. "M-My— My lips?!" you question, having to touch your lips as if those weren't the ones he was talking about. He nods. "Yes. It's like Mori said. You are~ the only female host. So you're special."

You slowly look at Mori. He was blushing.

Haruhi was staring at you. "But Y/n hasn't even had her first kiss!" she accidentally says too loudly. They all heard. "Haruhi!" you scold. "Sorry!" she apologizes, sweatdropping.

Lady Benibara was outraged. "This is ridiculous! Had you told us about this reward, we would've tried harder!" Kyoya got a kick out of this chaos. "Oh? Shouldn't you have already tried harder?"

Benibara wasn't quitting without a fight.

The Female Host (OHSHC x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now