That Man Mori

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You were currently laying on your back on the bed while Haruhi sat next to you.

"So.. how is he making you feel exactly?" she asks.

You sigh. "He's always protecting me. Like I feel safe around him, always. And he's always looking out for me. He gets me treats all the time. He lets me ramble to him about all the nonsense I come up with. But..."

Haruhi waits. "But?" You look at her. "He wouldn't ever see me like that, y'know? Like when we got ice cream last week. He was intimidating that boy, but he said he was only doing it because the guys promised to protect me. Not because he didn't want the guy to ask me out or for me to say yes or something."

She nods. "I've never seen Mori being romantically involved with anyone. Maybe it's just not his thing?" You nod. "Yeah.. that sucks.. but then again he said I looked incredible and he just HAD to stop and stare! Who says something like that so randomly?" She shrugs. "I'm not sure. Maybe he was just trying to nicely compliment you. Usually he and the guys compliment the guests and it sort of sounds a little dramatic."

You nod. "Yeah.. but.." She waits again. "I'm listening?" Your hands go to your cheeks. "That man is so freaking good looking! Like I can barely manage to reply when I'm talking to him sometimes because he's just so handsome I lose the ability to talk!" Haruhi laughs at you. "Yeah, haha, he is pretty attractive." You squeal into a pillow.

"So I'm guessing this means you like him?" You huff. "I mean.. he makes me feel funny and I like being around him." She rolls her hands around. "So..?" You sigh and laugh. "Sooo... I may have a tinsy crush." You cover your flustered face with the pillow.

"Don't hide from me now!" Haruhi says, stealing your pillow and hitting you with it. You gasp. "Oh you wanna go?!" You grab a pillow and start the pillow fight. A minute later the door opens. "Girls we have—" It was the twins at the door. You and Haruhi exchange a look before attacking them with your pillows. "Oh no way are we losing this!" Hikaru says, managing to grab a pillow. The four of you laugh and squeal as you have your pillow battle.

Eventually, the other hosts found you all on the floor laughing and catching your breaths. "So this is where you all were.." Kyoya says, pushing up his glasses. You sweatdrop. "Hehe.. sorry. We got a little carried away."

Honey grabs you and manages to get you to your feet. "We've been waiting! There's dessert!" You let him lead the way. "Ooo dessert? Is there chocolate?" Honey nods. "Yeah come on! Takashi even picked out a slice of chocolate cake just for you!" You were a little surprised. "Just for me?" you mutter to yourself. You sit in the chair where the cake was. "This looks so good!" Mori nods and sits next to you. "Try it." You take a bite and it felt like heaven. "Mm. This is the best cake I've ever had."

Everyone eats their own desserts and chats. You soon finished your cake and ice cream. "That was great. 10/10." Mori notices some cake on your face and stares at it. "U-Uh.. Yes Mori?" He reaches for your face and wipes it off with his thumb. "There. No more cake on your face." His hand was still on your cheek, though, and the eye contact remained.

"Y/N!" Tamaki yells, again ruining a moment between you and Mori. You flinch. "Ah! Geez Tamaki, quit yelling my name all the time." He scratches his head. "Oopsies. Anyways! I have business to chat with you about! Come come!" He gets up, expecting you to follow, which you did.

He had a specific event, just for you.

Anyways, the next day at breakfast, you were missing. No one but Tamaki and Haruhi knew anything of your whereabouts. You were having quite a nice time where you were.

"Where's Y/n?" Mori asks, sitting in front of his breakfast. Honey teases him. "You sure think of her a lot!" Mori slightly blushes. "I just wouldn't want her to go missing again. That's all." Tamaki answers him. "Classified." He didn't give any further detail and didn't plan to until the event.

Skip to then.

"Hello guests! As you can see on of our hosts are missing! That would be Y/n ofcourse! We had a special something planned just for her and she will be joining us shortly!" Displeased groans stir from the crowd. "Settle down, Settle down! You'll see her very soon. But now I will explain today's event!" They all wait.

"Each host will have ten contestants compete to win dates. Each contestant will have to answer questions that the host will ask about themself! Hosts will determine how many points a person gets for a correct answer! Points could change for different questions! It's all up to the specific host! The higher the number of points you get, the higher date number. If there is a tie, the host will decide the order! Sound good?" Tamaki asks after his speedy explanation.

People cheer.

He beams. "Great! Now let's welcome back Y/n, who just returned with a special someone!"

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