Don't Stop

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Once he could process what you were doing, Mori stands up and holds you closer, kissing back. You pull away. "Did you like that? Did that make you feel something?" He seemed to be in a state of shock and couldn't form full sentences. "I- I um. We just-"

You groan and pull his face to kiss him again. He could still feel the passion radiating off of you. You pull away again. "It's a yes or no. Do you feel for me?" He says what he was thinking. "I- I think so?" You sigh. "Do you like kissing me? Do you want to be the only person who gets to?" He starts nodding. He was sure now. "Yes. Yes, and I'm completely sure of it now. I feel for you and I want to kiss you again and again."

You let out a relieved sigh and smile. "You have my permission. I feel the same way, Takashi." He smiles back and kisses you again, this time reciprocating your energy. You were both filled with adrenaline.

He all of a sudden lifts you up and wraps your legs around him, supporting you from your thighs. You let out a surprised hum but then settle into your position. He backs up to lock the door and then carries you to the bed, laying you gently on the soft sheets. Without separating your lips, you get his shirt off, which makes him take off your robe. All that was underneath was your silk nightgown, which was fairly short.

He stops. "Wait." You rest your hands on his strong shoulders. "What's the matter?" He hovers over you. "I don't have any protection." You think for a second. "Well there's probably some in some drawer in here. We did come here for a love contest. And if there isn't, we just won't go that far." He nods. "Okay."

Instead of returning to your lips, he redirected his kisses to your collarbone and neck. "You are truly so beautiful." You smile and massage through his hair. "And you're handsome like a prince. My prince." you whisper as he raises his head to peck your lips.

While you gazed into his eyes, you have a sudden recollection. You push him back and roll him over so you layed directly on top of his chest. "Wait. Where's Honey? You share a room with him, don't you?" He nods and grips around your waist. "He's busy with his night time cake eating." You relax. "Oh alright. So he won't be back then?" Mori shakes his head. "He won't. It's just you and me."

You smile again and start trailing kisses down to his pants. He lets you pull them down. His bulge was very apparent, even through his underwear. You stroke it, just to tease him a little. He shivers, making you smirk. "Oh wow.. if this is enough to make you shake, what'll this do?" you wonder, pulling him out of his boxers. His blush deepens.

You just stay there for a second, kneeling on the floor between his legs, and playing with him. You lick your hand and pump it up and down on him. His face was blood red and you could hear him suppressing the sound of his breaths.

"Do you like it? This is my first time so I want to make sure I do it right, especially since you're such a big boy." you say, earning a nod from Mori. You cock your head. "Aw, Takashi. A nod doesn't tell me very much. Can't I have some feedback?" He was barely keeping himself sitting up. This was new for him too.

"I- I like it. B-But your mouth?" You use both your hands. "Hm? You want me to put it in my mouth?" He nods quickly. "Y-Yes.. Please.." You get closer to his face. "Well. Since you ask so nicely.." You wink at him and then swirl your tounge around just his tip.

He almost lets a loud moan escape but bites his knuckles just in time. He couldn't do anything about the pitchy, heavy breaths though. It was turning you on. "I'm so glad I can make you feel good, Baby~" you say, your voice sounding excited and lustful.

Finally satisfied with your teasing, you start sucking on a third of his size. You'd have to work your way up. You started slow and picked up pace, gradually stuffing more into your mouth. He muttered curses under his breath and moaned when you moved too suddenly. You showed his balls some love too. You were going really fast and it was really wet. Your hair was balled up in his hand and you kept looking up to see his face every few seconds.

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