Behind Her Back

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As you woke, you felt a hand gently smoothing circles into your back. "Good morning~" you hear Mori whisper. He stayed quiet seeing as you were currently in such a tranquil state. You hold him tighter in objection and bury your face into him. He laughs a little. "I know you like laying with me but we both have things to take care of today. Like other dates."

You peek up at him. "Do we still have to go through with those?" He sighs and pets your head. "I don't want to. But we promised all the contestants. As hosts, we can't disappoint them." You pout and lay your head down again. "Can't we just hide in here together?" He picks your head up again. "If you get up with me, we can shower together and go eat with everyone." You think about it. "Okay.. let's go before there's nothing left for us."

He follows closely behind as you go into the bathroom. You were smiling and talking about something random. Light shined through the thin curtains and made your skin look as though it was glowing. He was captivated by your beauty. "You're so very beautiful, my sweet." he tells you, kissing the crook of your neck and letting his hands outline your waist. You giggle. "Hehe! That tickles." His smile made your heart flutter and it took your breath away.

Ah. Love.

It didn't take too long for the two of you to freshen up. You wore the same nightgown and walked to breakfast with Mori, hand and hand. But when you got there, the other hosts had already arrived. Mori let's go of you in an instant. You didn't have any time to give him so much as a glance before Haruhi noticed you.

"Y/n there you are! You didn't come back last night!" You rub your neck. "Hah.. Sorry!" Honey seemed sleepy. "She was with Takashi! I didn't even get to sleep in my room last night."

The twins instantly appear 100x more mischievous. "Oh? So them two.. occupied... your room?" Hikaru asks. Mori's cheeks tint. "Yes! They did! And they never came out until now!" Haruhi gets suspicious. "Wait that's a good point. Why were you with Mori all night?" You become flustered, just like Mori had. "Um.. Well- Uh. W-We.. Um." Takashi answers. "We fell asleep.." Honey cocks his head. "You didn't sound asleep.." Tamaki hadn't caught on yet. "What do you mean, Honey?" Honey sighs. "I was knocking on the door but maybe Takashi couldn't hear me over Y/n." Your eyes widen. "I- Uhm.." Haruhi stares at you then looks at Honey. "Over Y/n?" He nods. "Yep! Well I mean there was this thumping noise and Y/n was saying something but her voice sounded funny. She was saying something like 'Takashi. Don't stop. Please don't—'"

As Honey explained, everyone else became suspicious of what you and Takashi had done last night. "Oh did she?!" Haruhi questions, looking dead at you, which made you look at literally anything else. "Did you say thumping?" Kyoya asks, invested. "What on Earth?!" Tamaki exclaims, puzzled as ever.

Before Honey could go any further with his exposé, Mori covers his mouth. "I think! you're mistaken Mitsukini! Y/n and I were just watching a movie, so that's what you must've heard, and we locked the door so no one would interrupt but we ended up falling asleep! That's it. Not whatever all of you are thinking!"

Honey's eyes told that he wasn't buying it and he looks at you. Then they all did. "Is that all that actually happened, Y/n?" Kaoru asks.

You look at Mori. Of course, you knew he was lying. But why? He said he felt for you. So why was he denying you now? Was it just a trick? Mori's eyes told you what to say, but you didn't say it while looking at anyone. "I returned his jacket and he invited me for the movie while Honey ate. I locked the door but we both fell asleep since we got so tired from our date."

The twins expressions deflate. "Man! That had potential!" Hikaru whines. You stare at your food and say nothing else while you ate.

"But Y/n—" Honey starts but is cut off again. "Eat your food Mitsukini." Mori says sternly, making Honey back off and keep eating.

Mori notices that you were quieter. He touches your knee and leans down so you could hear him. "Are you alright? You're awfully silent this morning." You swipe his hand off and face the opposite side, not saying a single word. He didn't know how to react, so he decided to leave you be until the two of you had time to talk.

You felt stupid and you wanted to cry, but obviously you couldn't do that right now. So, you hurry to eat and then speed out of the dining room. Mori soon followed behind and sent you a text to meet him in one of the main bathrooms. You ignored it.

Haruhi watched. She wasn't stupid. Obviously something had to have happened last night, she just wasn't sure if you and Mori had gone that far or not. Lately, you'd been stressing her out, but she kept quiet about it. She sighs. Tamaki looks at her. "Haruhi, dear, what's the matter? Why are you sighing so tiresomely?" She looks at him. "It's just Y/n.." Hikaru raises a brow. "What about her?"

Haruhi sighs again. "I love her and everything, but she's just been a little troublesome since she got here. And at home it's worse. I get that she's been through a lot but my dad has so much of his focus on her and they do all those 'girly' things together and then my dad is too tired for me." Honey nods. "I don't think she means to. She probably just wants to spend time with him since she's been isolated so long." Haruhi nods. "Yeah but it's still been a little annoying since she got here. I didn't think she'd change so much. Like she even joined the host club and I'm not saying that's a problem, because we asked her, but there's always something with her."

Hikaru nods. "And, yes, she's the only openly female host but I mean, come on, do we really need all of this drama she brings?" Honey shakes his head. "It's never really her fault though!" Haruhi groans. "But it's like she's a drama magnet and then we all have to deal with it!" Kaoru stretches. "I didn't want to say anything but... she has been kind of annoying lately. She's nice and all but she'll just be too over the top sometimes and that's coming from me." Hikaru nods. "Yeah and she's has some weird thing for interrupting. It's not that often but, y'know, still annoying." Kyoya nods. "She loves interrupting my planning." Tamaki agreed. "Oh! and she's been with those Lobelia girls a lot. It's as if she's not even a member of the host club and she actually wants to go with them!"

Honey didn't like this. "Guys.. I think Y/n would be sad if she heard any of this."

He was right. You'd left so fast you forgot your slippers and came back to hear all of this. It brought tears to your eyes. You ditch the slippers and leave to your room to get ready for the day, and acted like everything was okay.

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