The Host Club's Princess

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The next day was the test. Tamaki had put a lot of thought and effort into it. After school the day prior, you'd spent a lot of time doing whatever you thought might help you pass the test. After school today, you step into the host club and see all the spectating guests already waiting. Your nerves were all over the place.

"She's here!" Honey alerts everyone. "Finally! We shall now commence!" Tamaki announces, grabbing your hand and tugging you to the center of the room. You almost fall but find your balance. "Test number 1 is a test of femininity!" Hikaru and Kaoru each toss you a heel. "Put on these heels—" Hikaru begins. "—and strut your stuff!" Kaoru finishes. You carefully get them on and walk to the back of the room. Easily, you strut in a straight line, radiating confidence and power. "This is light work! I used to do this in my mom's heels all the time!" you say, giving a spin and striking a pose. Spectators cheer, holding up scoreboards that all say 10, and Kyoya writes something down.

Tamaki smirks. "Maybe that was easy. But now you have to sing!" You start thinking of a song. "Oh? Okay. Hmm..." He interrupts your thoughts. "And dance!" Your eyes widen. "Who do I look like, Beyoncé?" He grabs one of your hands and slides one of his own around your waist. "Don't worry so much!" he beams with his charming smile.

The music starts playing out of no where and you had to start singing almost immediately. "Mother said be good, Father said he nice~" you sing as Tamaki dances in circles with you. He spins you around and you end up holding Honey's hands. "That was always their advice~" Honey let's go of you and signals for you to spin out. You do and land in Kyoya's arms. He nodded his head at you with each swift movement you made together. "So be nice Cinderella, Good Cinderella~" He lets you go and Kaoru takes you. You take three steps on beat with the words you sang, following his lead. "Nice- Good- Good-" Someone twirls you around to face them. Hikaru. "-Nice!" you sing, finishing the lyric and settling into dancing with him. "What's the good of being good~" He and Haruhi quickly switch places. "If everyone is blind~" She twirls you out and Mori grabs your hand. He spins you round and round and into his arms so he was holding you from behind. "Always leaving you behind~" He dips you down and holds your cheek in his hand. Your face heated up. He stands you upright and holds you close to his body, an arm around your waist and his warm hand holding yours. As if you weren't flustered enough, he looks deep into your eyes and shows you a small smile. "Never mind~ Cinderella, Kind~ Cinderella.." He spins you out and you take four small steps, matching each word you sang, gracefully spinning on your own without a partner. "Nice- Good- Good- Nice!" you finish and end with a curtesy, holding up your school dress and bowing your head.

The spectators cheer. "Woohoo!" "That was amazing!" "Y/n is so perfect!" "Go Y/n!" You giggle and look away to hide your flustered face.

Tamaki slow claps for dramatic effect as he steps closer and closer to you. "I must say, Y/n. I'm very impressed with how well you move.. Even when your heels might make you.." He suddenly pulls you forward and dips you down. "..lose your balance." He casually stands you up again. "But you didn't! Good job!" You start to think this test wouldn't be so bad. After the dancing, you had to apply makeup to Haruhi, who was only the victim because Tamaki wanted to see her with it on. Then you socialized with guests to test your social skills. Then you made people, boys and girls, swoon over you. Then you learned about the boys and took a quiz. Then you meet Renge (the manager) and she seemed to really like you. Lastly, Kyoya took the measurements of your body. He was really close to you but he made sure to be respectful. When he was done, you wait to hear what might be next. The hosts all stand in front of you and bow. "Welcome to the host club!" You squeal in delight. "Yay! Host Club! Host Club!" You go on a victory lap around the room, sending high fives. Then you get to Mori and he puts his hands up. You take off the heels and jump to reach his hands. You were super excited to join them, despite your hesitation yesterday.

Everyone sits together to enjoy celebration desserts. "Y/n. The male hosts and I promise to protect you from any harm or danger. You're part of the family now." Tamaki tells you. You smile at his gesture. "How sweet of you all."

"Y/n!" A girl exclaims, having a bright thought. "You're like the host club's princess!" You laugh a little. "That has a nice ring to it."

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