Sensitive Topic

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By the time you got back to the hotel, you had cooled off. But you were still tired. The boys hadn't returned from their dates yet. You had left before you could even finish your dinner.

Trying not to think about Dai, you grab a couple snacks from the kitchen and watch movies in your room. Dai had worried about whether you got back and called Tamaki to let him know.

So, all the boys ended their dates and made their ways back. You could hear Tamaki chirping down the hall. "Oh Y/n~! We're back! And a little birdie told us you left your date feeling upset! What happened?!" he asks, just as you open the door for him and the others.

Haruhi instantly seemed ten times more concerned. "Woah! Why were you crying?!" You look away. "Didn't he tell you what he did?" The twins toughen up. "He did something to you?!" Kaoru asks, starting to stretch. "You say the word and we'll take care of it!" Hikaru promises, cracking his knuckles. Kyoya shoos his hand at them. "What did he do Y/n?"

Your lip quivers as you try not to start up again. "He kept asking.. *sniffle* about what happened.." You were trying to keep wiping your tears as they fell but there were too many of them to keep up with.

Haruhi comes to help. "Aw come here." She strokes your head and comforts you with a hug. "I don't get it? Everyone saw her dad at school?" Honey says, puzzled. Haruhi nods. "Yeah but no one knows about her mom. And she still gets really worked up talking about the details."

She could tell you were breathing softer. "I've got her. You guys can go." she tells them, gesturing for you to go back in the room. Mori hesitates, being last to leave, but eventually does.

Haruhi always did a great job at making you feel better. She knew just what to say. "I might not be able to feel what you're going through. But it's okay to cry and get upset. And it's okay to set boundaries with people. No one can tell you how to feel. You helped me a bunch when my mom passed. So don't you ever doubt whether I'll be here to help you. So when you do end up like this, just know you'll always have me. I know we're cousins. But you're like the sister I never had." You nod your head. "Thanks Haru. You're the best." She pats your head. "Hehe I know. Down to binge some Netflix?" You smile at her. "Is that even a question?!" The rest of the night you enjoyed each other's company until you both fell asleep.

Until noon the next day, you slept. Haruhi got up and left you to the peace and quiet. Your date with Mori would be in a couple hours but you still got up and ready for the day. While you were walking around, minding your business, Dai quickly approaches. "Y/n!" You turn to him silently and cross your arms, waiting. "Okay! I'm so sorry! I wasn't thinking straight! I really shouldn't have been pushing you to tell me something so personal and I swear I'll never do that again. I heard that I made you cry and I'm seriously so sorry!" You stare at him but eventually let your arms drop. "I may've been.. just a little harsh with you... It's just that it's a sensitive topic and I don't like talking about it." He nods. "I totally understand. I won't ever talk about it if you don't." You show him a small smile. "Thanks."He seemed to be waiting for you to continue. You laugh. "Yes. We're fine now." He gives a breathy laugh. "Oh okay! Good! Hug?" You nod and give him one with a little squeeze. "I'll see you later. Have fun on your date!" he says, walking off. "Thanks! Bye!" You call.

Anyway, a few hours later was your date. Haruhi helped you get ready. Mori had specifically told you to wear orange, so you did.

 "You look great

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"You look great. He won't know what hit him." Haruhi says, taking pictures for you. You cheer. "Yay! I'm so excited. He says we're going to get dinner then go somewhere really beautiful!" She smiles. "You have to tell me all about it when you come back!" You nod. "Obviously!" Someone knocks on the door. It was him.

He takes a second to speak because he was busy staring at you

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He takes a second to speak because he was busy staring at you. "I- Um. Sorry. You look beautiful. Are you ready to go?" You giggle. "Hehe. Thank you, Handsome. Yes, I'm ready. But do you mind a few photos first?" He shakes his head. "I don't mind." You smile and pull him to pose with you. The best one was one where you and Mori weren't even paying attention and were instead laughing at each other.

After pictures, you went off to your date

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After pictures, you went off to your date.

The Female Host (OHSHC x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now