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Tamaki gasps. "A female host?" "That's never been done!" Hikaru says. Haruhi just stands there. "Guys, I'm right here." Kaoru puts his hand on her shoulder. "Yeah but no one but us actually knows you're a girl." She shrugs. "True." Tamaki considers Kyoya's proposal. "Hm.. well I suppose she has brought in many new guests.. Males included. Maybe it's a good idea." Honey was a bit worried. "What if boys bother her?" Mori wasn't worried about it. "Based on how she spoke to those girls, she'll stick up for herself. Even if she doesn't, we can protect her." Kyoya pushes up his glasses. "Then it's settled." He turns to Haruhi. "Haruhi. You know her best. How should we ask her?"

Meanwhile, the guests had calmed down and gotten to know you a bit better. "Do you guys wanna make a tiktok?" you ask, excited to have met them. Most of them didn't understand. "Tiktok? Like a clock?" one boy asks. A girl has a thought. "Oh! Tiktok! Isn't that the app that renergade dance comes from?!" You cover your mouth. "Oh honey.. It's renegade and that's 2019 business.. you guys must be so outdated.." You tap your chin and your mouth spreads into a grin. "No worries! I'll teach you a dance!" You assemble them all in rows and show them the dance first. They looked unsure. "What's the matter you guys? Don't like the dance?" A girl tucks her hair back. "It's just.. not very elegant.. and it's very.. loud." You put your hands on your hips. "Aw c'mon! We're teenagers! We don't need to act all elegant and proper all the time! We should let loose! Have fun! Don't you agree?" At first, they murmur in hesitation but then start nodding and agreeing with you. You smile. "Great! Let's learn it!"

The rest of the club were planning how they'd ask you to join them as a host. By the time they were done, so were you.

"Y/n. We would like to have a word with you." Kyoya says as he and the others return. You were catching your breath from dancing. "Wait! We have a surprise first!" you say, putting your finger up. Haruhi cocks her head at you. "A surprise?" You nod and run to your phone to play the music. "Yes!" They all wait to see what you had planned. "Okay! Ready guests?" They all cheer. "Alright! 5, 6, 7, 8!" You press play and they all start dancing. You watch and cheer them all, doing the dance with minimal movement to remind them what to do. Finally, they finish. "Tada!" you cheer, making jazz hands in front of the guests, who join you and wait for the hosts to say something. "What do you guys think?!" you ask.

Tamaki smiles. "That was certainly a show. You ladies are excellent dancers." The girls swoon. "Thank you!" "So sweet!" "Ah~! Tamaki liked our dancing!" You look at the other guests. "You boys were great too! And amazing learners! All of you! Hehe!" They swoon over you. "So pretty!" "She's so cute when she's excited!" "Adorable!" "So sweet!" You were still giddy and smiling wide.

"That was very out of character for you all." Kyoya says. The girls worry that he was upset with them. "But you did a great job." Honey agreed. "It's good to see you all have fun!" Hikaru and Kaoru appear at your sides. "Thanks to our oh so lovely Y/n." Hikaru says, pinching your cheek. You giggle a little. Kaoru takes your hand. "So lovely that she's our newest host!"

Your eyes widen. "Wait what?" Tamaki pouts. "You two! This wasn't the plan!" Kyoya sighs. "Tamaki. You should know things here never go according to plan." Honey runs to you. "Will you join the host club, Y/n? Pretty please?!" The guests perk up. "Oh! Yes, Y/n, you totally should! You're so fun!" A girl chirps. "And beautiful!" A boy beams, still fully swooning over you. You weren't sure. "I'm not sure guys. It's a really sweet offer, like I'm seriously flattered b—"

Mori stands in front of you. "I- Excuse me. We'd really love it if you'd join us. You certainly are very beautiful, even with your bruises, and although we may've only just met, your character seems to shine brightly." Suddenly, you were stunned and start nodding your head as you look for the words to agree. "Uh- I- Ya- Mhm. Okay. Yes. Me. Host. That. Yes." Haruhi quietly snickers at you getting flustered. "You zip it." you say, sending her a quick glance and turning back to nervously smile and nod at Mori. "Okay. I'll do it. I'll join you." He smiles small. "I'm glad I could convince you." You were trying so hard not to melt.

One of the girls was looking very closely at you and Haruhi. "Wait so what exactly are you and Haruhi, Y/n?" she asks. You smile. "Oh. She and I are cousins. Our moms were related." She nods. "Oh! You two just look a lot alike. I'd think you were siblings!"

Another girl catches your mistake. "Wait. Y/n, you said she?" Your eyes widen a little and you slowly look at Haruhi then back at them. "Did I? Sorry! I must've messed up my words while I was looking at all of you pretty girls! You're all so beautiful! Hehe!" you squeal, saving yourself. The girls all blush and squeal in response.

Tamaki clears his throat. "Ahem.. I'm afraid Y/n can not be an official member until..."

In the short time that you'd bonded with them, you and the female guests had already built a connection. You look at them and it seemed they were thinking the same as you. Then you look back at Tamaki.

"Until..?" Kyoya finishes the sentence. "A test." The guests gasp. "A test?" you question. Haruhi clarifies. "It's the same as the things I told you they put me through to join." Tamaki shakes his head. "Actually, Haruhi, it is not the same! Since you've joined, we have upped our standards!—" You thought he was done but he thought of another thing. "And because Y/n is a girl, there will be some other things we should test for. Like if she can walk in high heels. And there are also other things like how well she can sing. We'll have to decide specifically on all the criteria and have it ready for tomorrow!"

Haruhi rubs her neck. "That sounds a bit excessive, don't you think?" Kyoya checks his clipboard. "She won't have to pass all the tests. Just a good amount of them so we know how we can utilize her in club activities." You looked nervous. One girl tries lifting your spirits. "Don't worry, Y/n! I'm sure you'll do great!" Haruhi joins her. "On the bright side, you are a pretty amazing singer." You scratch your head. "I don't know about *amazing* but—" Honey was excited. "I can't wait to hear!" The guests get excited too.

"Ooo! Can we watch her? Please?!" "Yeah can we?!" "Please!" "We won't be any trouble!" "We promise!" They beg.

Tamaki gives in. "Alright! You can all watch! We'll even prepare a seating area!" He looks at you. "But no pressure ofcourse!" You were totally nervous about the whole thing but have a shakey thumbs up. "Yeah... no.. no pressure at all..."

The Female Host (OHSHC x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now